Apheresis Services
Location: University Hospital
8th Floor, Room 8330
750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210
Phone: 315 464-9022
Voice Mail: 315 464-6763
Fax: 315 464-9021
8th Floor, Room 8330
750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210
Phone: 315 464-9022
Voice Mail: 315 464-6763
Fax: 315 464-9021
Apheresis (a-fer-e-sis) means to separate and remove the liquid part (plasma) or cells from your blood. It is used in the treatment of different types of blood and nerve disorders, cancer, or other diseases or conditions diagnosed by your doctor.
Who We Are
Upstate University Hospital's Apheresis Service is staffed by a team of registered nurses and doctors dedicated to giving exceptional patient care. Our staff has been specially trained on the equipment and to handle the unique needs of our patients.