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Stomach Cancer

For more information or answers to your questions about our Cancer Care, please call 315 464-HOPE (4673) to speak with an Upstate Cancer Center representative.


The stomach is an organ between the esophagus and the small intestine. It mixes food with stomach acid and helps digest protein. Stomach cancer mostly affects older people - two-thirds of people who have it are over age 65. Your risk of getting it is also higher if you:

  • Have had a Helicobacter pylori infection
  • Have had stomach inflammation
  • Are a man
  • Eat lots of salted, smoked, or pickled foods
  • Smoke cigarettes
  • Have a family history of stomach cancer

It is hard to diagnose stomach cancer in its early stages. Indigestion and stomach discomfort can be symptoms of early cancer, but other problems can cause the same symptoms. In advanced cases, there may be blood in your stool, vomiting, unexplained weight loss, jaundice, or trouble swallowing. Doctors diagnose stomach cancer with a physical exam, blood and imaging tests, an endoscopy, and a biopsy.

Because it is often found late, it can be hard to treat stomach cancer. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation or a combination.

NIH: National Cancer Institute

Source: https://medlineplus.gov/stomachcancer.html

Library resources related to stomach cancer.

For more information:

Internet Links
The detailed guide includes descriptions of causes, risk factors, prevention, diagnosis, staging, treatments and what's new in stomach cancer research.
Health information on stomach cancer from the Mayo Clinic Foundation, includes: description, symptoms, causes, risk factors, complications, tests and diagnosis, treatments and drugs, prevention, and coping and support.
Link to a search of the MedlinePlus database for health information on stomach cancer. MedlinePlus links are managed by medical librarians at the National Library of Medicine.
Links to information from the National Cancer Institute on treatment, clinical trials, prevention, genetics, causes, cancer research, and screening.
Information about medical care for stomach cancer from the National Cancer Institute. The page includes information on risk factors, diagnosis, staging, treatment, follow-up care, and cancer research.