Become A Member of the Cancer Center Research Committee (CCRC)
Cancer Center Research (CCRC) Members will be selected based on their accomplishments in cancer research or healthcare, their sustained and productive record of research or clinical work in cancer, and their commitment to working together as part of the scientific community at SUNY Upstate Medical University
Membership Levels
Full Membership
This membership is available to research and clinical faculty at SUNY Upstate Medical University who are interested in joining one or more of the Cancer Center Research Programs.
Affiliate Membership
This membership is available to faculty and clinical staff at institutions outside of SUNY Upstate Medical University. Affiliate applicants must name the CCRC Full Member who will serve as their sponsor during the application process.
Trainee Membership:
This membership is available to clinical residents, fellows, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students at SUNY Upstate Medical University, under the supervision of a CCRC Full Member. Trainee applicants must provide the name of their supervisor who will be required to verify the applicant’s trainee status during the application process.
Promote Your Research
The Cancer Center Research Programs are always looking for exciting images and research updates from our members to post on our website and social media. If you would like to contribute images or updates, please click the button below.
Faculty Sponsoring Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Postdoctoral Fellowship Program offers up to two years of 50% salary support for extramural postdoctoral applicants who will pursue cancer-related research projects at SUNY Upstate.
Principal Investigators interested in hiring postdoctoral researchers with support from this Program must provide a short description of their research projects and demonstrate that they have sufficient funding to cover at least 50% of a postdoctoral salary (NIH scale) and benefits for two years.
Postdoctoral awardees will be expected to complete their two-year training under supervision of the Principial Investigator without interruption due to loss of funding.
Full Members
- Xiaoran Hu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Syracuse University
Cancer Therapeutics
Lab Website - Nancy L. Guo, Ph.D.
SUNY Empire Innovation Professor, School of Computing
Binghamton University
Cancer Therapeutics
Population Health & Prevention
Faculty Webpage