What's Up at Upstate
Category: Liver- Gallbladder- Pancreas
Saved by a team of surgeons
July 13, 2021
An Owego man had a 16-pound tumor removed in a 12-hour operation
Helping a patient navigate through cancer’s challenges
May 25, 2018
Their team of doctors offered expertise - and hope
November 27, 2017
Lessons from Upstate: Stroke risks, medication reactions, ADHD and teen parenthood
November 20, 2017
Are you age 52 to 72? Three health conditions to check
August 7, 2017
Navigating through a cancer diagnosis
December 13, 2016
Personal plan: Her team crafted the best way to fight her pancreatic cancer
December 12, 2016
Renewed lives: Pancreas transplants mean patients with diabetes can skip insulin injections
October 20, 2016
Instead of a biopsy: Scientists seek better, noninvasive diagnostic tool to detect liver cancer early
August 29, 2016
Can a pancreas transplant help someone with severe diabetes?
July 8, 2016
'Secondary’ cancer: See a surgeon before starting chemotherapy for ‘liver mets’
June 8, 2016
A trusted guide through cancer treatment: the nurse navigator
May 23, 2016
Specialized surgeons treat cancers, plus other diseases of liver, gallbladder, pancreas
February 17, 2016
Jimmy Carter's cancer: Melanomas can appear throughout the body
January 28, 2016
New transplant surgery chief plans pancreas, islet transplants
December 28, 2015
Surgical services featured in July Physicians Practice
June 29, 2015
Should you be tested for hepatitis C?
October 6, 2014
Cancer someday or diabetes now? Surgeon has pancreas removed to beat the cancer odds
December 3, 2013