What's Up at Upstate
Category: Health Careers

Nurse prescribes soccer - which he plays professionally - for fitness and fun
December 17, 2018

How do you choose between a medical and a musical career? Find a way to do both
August 27, 2018

A chance to look at occupational and physical therapy careers
August 15, 2018

New in-house pharmacy open to patients, public
July 24, 2018

Syracuse college students get taste of workaday world through Synergy internships at Upstate, other employers
July 17, 2018

Offering job training for young adults with disabilities
June 27, 2018

Complete and complex: More cancer patients benefit from molecular diagnostics
June 6, 2018

A change of plans: Stroke affects family routine, son’s career path
April 18, 2018

Rural care: How a small-town PA found a niche career
April 9, 2018

Three trailblazers: A look at some of Upstate's modern medical pioneers
February 26, 2018

Rolling iPads and sign language are part of her job
November 13, 2017

News about Upstate you may have missed
September 7, 2017

Her diagnosis leads to career
June 30, 2017

A detour: Medical student learns about health care as a patient
June 28, 2017

Sharing expertise: Doctors learn stroke care from experts at Upstate
April 3, 2017

Cancer patient as a child, now a cancer nurse
March 17, 2017

What to do with your great idea
February 6, 2017

Breast cancer diagnosis? Next step: surgeon consult
September 1, 2016