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Ronald Angona, Jr. receives President's Award

Upstate Medical University presented 16 awards at its fall convocation Sept. 16. The President‘s Award for Outstanding Voluntary Faculty Service, College of Health Professions, was given to Ronald E. Angona, Jr. Below is his biography, as it appears in the convocation program.

By Stephanie DeJoseph

Ronald E. Angona Jr., MS, CCP Chief Perfusionist, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester

Ronald E. Angona Jr., MS, CCP
Chief Perfusionist, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester

Mr. Ronald Angona is known for his experience, knowledge and commitment as a voluntary clinical instructor for Upstate‘s Cardiovascular Perfusion program. Leading by example, he instills the need to stay involved academically and sets an example as a lifelong learner in a technologic career that is ever changing. Many of his students are now leaders in the field, making profound contributions in the clinical, academic and research areas of perfusion.

Mr. Angona has long been part of the Upstate Medical University family. He consistently shows a commitment to students and a willingness to go above and beyond. His exemplary instructional skills, both technical and patient care, are evidenced by the success of our students and graduates.

A gifted teacher, he skillfully guides and mentors students through the formative technical aspects of cardiopulmonary bypass while providing a caring environment. Training perfusion students to operate a heart-lung machine in the dynamic and stressful environment of the operating room is an enormous responsibility; “to do so voluntarily is even more remarkable,” said a nominator. He has a wealth of experiences to draw upon, and his guidance offers a calm perspective. His individualized, adaptive teaching method invariably identifies strengths and weaknesses. He gently guides students who may need remediation. Ultimately, he brings out the maximum potential of all students. Setting his standards high and demanding excellence, he believes there is no room for anything less for a patient who has placed trust in us.

Through Mr. Angona‘s energy and enthusiasm, the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) has become one of the most sought-after clinical affiliates for Upstate‘s Cardiovascular Perfusion program. The Upstate campus provides superb didactic training, but this is only part of the equation needed to make a competent perfusionist. Our students must train at clinical affiliates such as URMC to gain these essential clinical experiences. The hands-on clinical experiences are just as important as classroom training for the full development of the perfusion student.

He has authored several peer-reviewed publications and professional presentations. He is also active in many professional organizations, including the largest perfusion professional society, AmSECT. His example demonstrates the importance of being engaged and giving back to the profession. His mentorship is credited with producing caring, competent and successful perfusionists.

Mr. Angona received a Bachelor of Arts degree in biology from the University of Rochester in 1999 and a Bachelor of Science degree in cardiovascular perfusion from Upstate Medical University in 2001. He completed a Master of Medical Management degree in 2014 from the University of Rochester where he is currently completing coursework for an MBA.