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Micah Lissy, MD, receives President's Award

Upstate Medical University presented 16 awards at its fall convocation Sept. 16. The President‘s Award for Outstanding Volunteer Faculty Service, Binghamton campus, was given to Micah Lissy, MD. Below is his biography, as it appears in the convocation program.

By Stephanie DeJoseph

Micah Lissy, MD, MSPT, ATC, CSCS Clinical Instructor, Orthopedic Surgery, Binghamton Campus

Micah Lissy, MD, MSPT, ATC, CSCS
Clinical Instructor, Orthopedic Surgery, Binghamton Campus

Dr. Micah Lissy was appointed to the Clinical Campus College of Medicine faculty in June 2014 as a clinical instructor. In his brief time on the faculty, he has made invaluable contributions to orthopedic surgery clerkship.

In the words of a colleague, Dr. Lissy “has been extremely effective in instruction regarding musculoskeletal evaluation and examination. He has allowed the students to participate in operative and non-operative therapy of a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions.” Tirelessly devoted to teaching, he has been the point person for orthopedic education during the third year subspecialty rotations.

Dr. Lissy has also proven himself to be an excellent bedside teacher. Universally praised by students, his evaluations consistently comment on his availability, helpfulness and effectiveness. Several students also noted Dr. Lissy‘s willingness to listen to their questions and concerns, responding to them in a meaningful manner.

“Dr. Lissy took every opportunity to engage me in hands-on learning, from seeing patients to applying casts and splints and reviewing imaging.” “Great teacher and makes students feel like they are part of the team.” “Dr. Lissy is a pleasure to work with; he is an excellent mentor,” were comments voiced by students.

Dr. Lissy graduated from Ithaca College with a BS in Clinical Science and an MS in Physical Therapy, in 1997 and 1998, respectively. He received his MD degree from Sackler School of Medicine New York Program in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 2007. He completed his residency in orthopedic surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore and a fellowship in orthopedic sports medicine at Detroit Medical Center, where he worked with the Detroit Red Wings, Pistons and Tigers.