6 things to check before swallowing that pill
What do you do when your doctor recommends an expensive medication?
Pharmacist Andrew Burgdorf from the Upstate Cancer Center offers this advice:
- Ask whether the drug manufacturer offers co-pay assistance, and explore options through organizations such as the American Cancer Society or the Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition.
- Think twice about purchasing more than a one-month supply at a time. If your medication needs change, you cannot return the drugs for a refund.
- Double-check the instructions regarding dosage and frequency and whether the pills should be taken with food or on an empty stomach.
- Make sure your health care provider and pharmacist know about any supplements you take, including fish oil, since some supplements could reduce the effectiveness of some cancer drugs.
- Ask your health care provider and/or pharmacist what side effects are to be expected, what symptoms may signal an adverse reaction -- and what to do if you experience a reaction.
Pharmacists such as Burgdorf, who specialize in oncology, can answer more specific questions.
This article appears in the summer 2015 issue of Cancer Care magazine.