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CNY Business Journal awards Upstate's workplace wellness efforts

Attending the Workplace Wellness Awards were wellness coordinator Suzanne Brisk, Smoking Cessation Program director Cynthia Cary, Bruce Simmons, MD, director of employee/student health, Renae Rokicki, and hospital administrator Joyce Mackessy.

Attending the Workplace Wellness Awards event were wellness coordinator Suzanne Brisk; Smoking Cessation Program director Cynthia Cary; Bruce Simmons, MD, director of employee/student health; Renae Rokicki, project and strategic planning administrator; and hospital administrator Joyce Mackessy.

Walking groups, lunchtime learning sessions and a weight management program designed to improve employee wellness earned praise Thursday at the Central New York Business Journal's third annual "Workplace Wellness Awards." Upstate had the highest score in the largest employer category.

Upstate's wellness efforts, called "Pathways to Wellness," have been in place for a year. The goal has been to increase awareness of healthy and positive lifestyle choices by providing resources that promote a culture of health and wellness for employees and students on the Upstate campus.
