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Gumball machine dispenses poems for National Poetry Month

Look for this gumball machine on the 9th floor of Weiskotten Hall during the month of April.

Look for this gumball machine on the 9th floor of Weiskotten Hall during the month of April.

In observance of National Poetry Month, The Healing Muse is sponsoring a gumball machine that dispenses poems throughout April on the 9th floor of Weiskotten Hall. Spend a quarter and receive a poem from a recent issue of The Healing Muse, Upstate's journal of literary and visual arts.

The journal is entering its 13th year of publication. It features writing from Upstate students, faculty, staff and patients, as well as national and international writers. Proceeds go to support the annual Dearing Writing Award for students.

Poet and Healing Muse friend Bruce Bennett of Wells College celebrates this Upstate effort with a limerick:

A gumball machine? Something new!

A quarter per poem, just for you.

It's pretty darn neat:

it comes as a treat

that you can chew over, not chew.

Learn more about The Healing Muse.

Listen to excerpts and interviews with The Healing Muse editor Deirdre Neilen, PhD
