Healthy 'soul food' served at Black History Month celebration

Upstate social worker Chevelle Jones-Moore with the soul food lunch for the Feb. 6 Black History month event.
Quinoa? That's right. Chef Blue's on a mission to create tasty soul food that's good for your health. His efforts require baby steps, he explains, because "people won't eat the food if they don't think it will taste good."
Recipes take testing, and people take convincing...until they try his delicious food. Some of Chef Blue's get-healthy suggestions: add butternut squash to macaroni and cheese, and cauliflower to mashed potatoes. Most importantly, use herbs and spices --instead of animal fat -- to add flavor to your food.
Read more about Chef Blue and try some of his recipes:
Hoppin' John recipe
macaroni and cheese recipe
collard green recipe
blackeyed peas recipe
chicken recipe