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Researchers seek volunteers for a study evaluating Dengue fever vaccine

MosquitoUpstate researchers are recruiting healthy volunteers, ages 18 to 45, to participate in a study that will evaluate a vaccine for Dengue fever, a disease that affects many parts of the developing world and parts of the United States.

The study, which begins in January, will last about four months and include 13 to 15 visits. Participants will receive all study-related exams at no cost and will receive payment for time and participation. To learn more call 315-459-3031 or email [email protected]

Dengue fever is a virus that is spread by mosquitoes. It causes high fever, headache (often behind the eyes), joint and muscle aches, nausea and vomiting, swollen lymph nodes and a flat, red rash. It is a leading cause of illness and death in the tropics.

Details about the vaccine study at Upstate

Global map of Dengue fever from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Library of Medicine page on Dengue fever
