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Paramedics, EMTs invited to pre-hospital care courses

Upstate hosts a series of three courses for pre-hospital care providers during the Fall Festival, a free family health fair set for Saturday, Sept. 29 at Upstate's Community Campus.

At 8 a.m., Howard Simon MD, chief of bariatric surgery, will speak about "Pre-hospital Care and the Morbidly Obese Patient."

At 9 a.m., Eric Deshaies MD, director of Upstate's neurovascular institute, will explain how "Not All Stroke Centers are Created Equal."

At 10 a.m., Christian Knutsen MD, medical director for Upstate EMS programs, will address "Bath Salts and the EMS Provider."

Members of the Emergency Medical Services community can register for the free courses by calling Upstate Connect at 315-464-8668. The courses take place in hospital classrooms A and B on the Community campus.

