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Emergency physician showcased on cover of Upstate Health

Layout 1That's Jeremy Joslin MD on the cover of Upstate Health. He's a member of Upstate's EMS & Disaster Medicine Physician Response Team, which has a story on page 15 of the magazine.

This issue (go ahead and click the cover, at right, to see the whole publication) is full of thought-provoking subjects. For instance, would you donate one of your kidneys to a family member? A friend? A co-worker? Meet five people, on page 5, whose lives were improved and likely extended because of kidney donations.

Then consider whether people with developmental disabilities should be included as subjects in medical research, (page 14) and whether the precise images provided by a computerized tomography scan outweigh the dangers of radiation exposure, (page 12.)

The pages of this issue will introduce you to the Upstate expert whom CNN called on for perspective on 'bath salts,' (page 16) and explain why Joel Potash MD recommends reading "Cutting for Stone," (page 22.) You will also learn -- if you don't already know -- that it is impossible to drive safely while texting (page 6), that electronic medical records are valuable for patients (page 9) and that Upstate scientists are involved in important research into how the heart develops (page 24.)

Editor Amber Smith is eager for feedback. Reach her by email at [email protected]

Read Upstate Health.
