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Upstate expands farmer's market to Community campus


Miss NY

Miss New York Kaitlin Monte visited the Upstate Farmers Market last year, choosing a gluten-free dessert from Yum Yum's Gluten-Free Bakery. Monte has a gluten intolerance and finds gluten-free foods helps manage her health.

The Upstate Farmer's Market expands to two days, on two campuses this year. A market will be held from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Thursday starting June 28 at the Community General campus on Onondaga Hill, and every Friday starting June 29 in the Golisano Children's Hospital parking lot, behind Upstate University Hospital in downtown Syracuse. Both markets are open to the public.

A variety of local farmers and small businesses will be at the markets, bringing fresh local produce, baked goods, jams, jellies and crafts. The market is made possible by the Advocates for Upstate Medical University.

“We‘re so excited to bring this to our community, now in two locations,” Upstate Advocate member Bonnie McCabe says. “We see patients wheeling their IV poles out to check out the market, family members who may just need a break, and of course people who work in this area every day stopping by to see what's at the market.”

Karen Wentworth, Director of Upstate‘s PATIENTSfirst! Initiative says the markets help to promote buying local and eating healthy, while being extremely convenient for the Upstate employees, patients and families. "We're especially excited to bring this to our Community General campus, as there are no other farmers' markets in that area.  With lots of space and free parking we're hoping it really takes off."

Brownson Family Farms from Kirkville will be one of a handful of local vendors who will be at both locations.

“This will be our second year participating in the Upstate Farmers‘ Market,” Debbie Brown reports. “We really liked being at Upstate last year because it was a smaller market, we got a chance to get to know our customers there, and find out what they liked... and didn‘t like.”

As a result of those very conversations, Debbie is pleased to let us know just what they‘ll be bringing this summer, by request of last year's customers: lettuce, cabbage, beets, bok choy, tomatoes, broccoli, pumpkins, cauliflowers, squash, sweet corn, green beans, wax beans, and a variety peppers.

“Everything is local. What we bring comes from our own farm, or a neighboring farm,” Debbie says.  “And even last year, we talked to the other vendors.  Everything the vendors is picked fresh just for this market.  The offerings at this market, in particular are really good quality, for a very reasonable price.”

For a full listing of participating vendors, check out facebook.com/upstatefarmersmarket