Variety of walks, runs raise money for Upstate

Oct. 16
The March of Dimes March for Babies is Oct. 16 at Onondaga Community College in Syracuse. It's a three-mile walk that raises money for research, community services, education and advocacy. Register online, or at 10 a.m. the day of the event. The walk begins at 11 a.m.
Oct. 22
Upstate‘s Physical Therapy Club and Move Along, Inc., will host the Move 5K at 11 a.m. Oct. 22, at Green Lakes State Park in Fayetteville. The event includes a 5k run or walk, a 5k wheelchair race and a kids‘ race. Pre-register for $20, or $25 the day of the event.
Oct. 23
The Carol M. Baldwin Foundation's inaugural "A Run for Their Life" takes place Oct. 23, starting in Thornden Park, with a 15K at 9, followed by a 5K run at 9:10 and 5K walk at 9:15 a.m. This is the only breast cancer run held in Syracuse whose proceeds go directly to the Upstate Cancer Research Institute. The 5K route winds through the park. The 15K circles down to Armory Square.
Nov. 6
The Burn Run, at 8:15 a.m. Nov. 6, includes a 5K and a free kids fun run. Pre-register by Nov. 1 for $15. Race day entry is $25. All proceeds benefit the Upstate Clark Burn Center. The race starts and ends at East Syracuse Fire Station #2, at Sanders Creek Parkway off Kinne Street.