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Ceremony commemorates President Roosevelt's dedication of Upstate medical building

Painting of President Franklin D Roosevelt at Upstate

Artist Susan Keeter's painting is based on historical photographs.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt laid the cornerstone for what is now known as Weiskotten Hall on Sept. 29, 1936, congratulating its stewards "on the usefulness to humanity that you will afford to future generations of Americans." That was 75 years ago.

A ceremony in honor of that day is open to the public and will be held at 10:30 a.m. today, Sept. 22, in the Weiskotten courtyard, 766 Irving Ave.

The College of Medicine was part of Syracuse University in 1936, becoming part of what is now Upstate Medical University in 1950. The building is named in honor of Dr. Herman G. Weiskotten, medical college dean, 1920-1951. It was financed with a loan from FDR's Public Works Administration.

Post-Standard columnist Dick Case wrote about the anniversary.

Artist Susan Keeter designed the program.
