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Miss New York Kaitlin Monte visits Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital


Miss New York Kaitlin Monte visits the Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital. The four points on her crown stand for style, success, service and scholarship, and beauty queens are asked which is most important to them.

Miss New York Kaitlin Monte stopped by Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital, visiting with patients and staff and singing "God Bless America."

Monte, 22, of Rochester graduated in 2008 from the University of Tampa after her freshman year at Clarkson University. She earned a semester's worth of college engineering credits by the tenth grade, which allowed her to start college early, at the age of 16.

She began acting professionally at age 15, first touring with an entertainment band in the Northeast and then working three days a week at Busch Gardens Tampa while she attended college full time. Her broadcast debut was hosting New Years Eve in Times Square in 2010 with the Times Square Alliance. She was crowned Miss New York in June.

Monte competes for the Miss America crown next year, on a platform to end bullying. Her talent is singing.

Listen to her sing, "God Bless America."

Read her blog, Life Under the Crown.

More photos from her appearance on the Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital Facebook page
