How to make a paper crane

A thousand origami paper cranes on display at Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital.
The cranes at Upstate came from sixth-grade students at St. Mary's Academy in Baldwinsville and were on display through July. They'll be stored away and displayed again later.
Sixth-graders in Kelly McCann's class made the cranes after reading the book "One Thousand Paper Cranes: The Story of Sadako and the Children‘s Peace Statue." The book is a true story about Sadako Sasaki, a young Japanese girl who develops leukemia after the atomic bomb was dropped in her hometown of Hiroshima. According to the book, Japanese legend says that if you make a thousand paper cranes, you will be granted a wish. The paper crane has become a symbol of peace and hope.
To make your own, all you need is a sheet of standard printer paper. Here's a quick tutorial: