Safety Resources
Resources for: OTHER MEDICAL STAFF | Show All
Upstate Wellness Resource Line
Confidential line answered 24/7 by triage nurse who will refer you to the most appropriate resource.
Call 4-KARE or (315) 464-5273 or visit
Dialing 2-1-1
Connects you with a live operator who can assist with locating services (food, housing or financial assistance) based on county of residence or visit or text your zip code to 898-211
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Trained expert advocates; Available 24/7; Provides confidential support to anyone experiencing domestic violence or seeking resources and information
Call 800-799-SAFE (7233)
National Sexual Assault Hotline
Connect with a trained staff member from a local sexual assault service provider; offers access to a range of free services. 24/7 **RAINN mobile app offers survivors and loved ones access to tools and information
Call 800-656-HOPE (4673)
American Consumer Credit Counseling
Not-for-profit organization that provides confidential consumers, including debt management plans, budget counseling, bankruptcy counseling, housing counseling, community education programs, and financial resources.
Call (800) 769-3571
Consumer Credit Counseling Services
A nonprofit organizations that helps consumers find a workable solution to financial problems. Each CCCS agency offers a common set of services, including financial education, budgeting assistance, and debt management plans.
Call 800-431-8157
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
Can help eligible New Yorkers heat and cool their homes if in danger of running out of fuel or having utility service shut off.
Catholic Charities
Provides service to people in need – no matter their religion or nationality –advocates for justice in society. They help finding housing, paying rent, recovering from a natural disaster or other event, or keeping food on the table for families
Diocese of Syracuse: 315-470-1415"
Occupational Health Clinical Center
Help you identify work-related illness or injury,the hazards in your workplace and offer assistance in modifying your worksite and/or work habits to prevent further health problems.
EAP: Employee Assistance Program
EAP is a voluntary, work-based program that offers free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals and follow up services to employees who have personal and/or work - related problems.
315-492-5296 [email protected]
Staff Wellness Support Social Worker
Brief support for staff who have experienced critical care trauma; can provide resource information and connection
315-464-6001 [email protected]
Spiritual Care
Chaplains, services, educational programs, Reiki (For staff or patients)
SUNY Upstate Office of Institutional Equity
Consulting on and investigating allegations of protected class discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment.
315-464-9590, or via online reporting [email protected]
Upstate Emergency Fund
Available to provide emergency financial assistance to Upstate staff and students who suffer sudden, non-recurring, unplanned economic hardship due to an emergency.
Contact Renae Rokicki at [email protected] or 315-464-9443; [email protected]
Pathway to Wellness
Wellness, health and self-care; Offers weekly and monthly activities and events that promote wellness; Smoking cessation support (including supplies); Open to all with an Upstate ID
Visit or email [email protected]
Pet-A-Pooch (Animal Support)
Request a staff event visit or become a pet therapy volunteer
315-492-5548 [email protected] ,