Mental Health Resources
Mental Health wellness is becoming more aware of the feelings and emotions we feel every day, and learning how to cope with the challenges life brings. Both positive and negative emotions are important parts of yourself, but understanding and accepting them can be difficult. Having the tools you need to be able to handle the ups and downs of life can start with finding support in family and friends, but it can also include support from Upstate.
Resources for: NURSE | Show All
Upstate Wellness Resource Line
Confidential line answered 24/7 by triage nurse who will refer you to the most appropriate resource.
Call 4-KARE or (315) 464-5273 or visit
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Trained counselors will listen, understand how their problems are affecting them, provide support, and connect them to resources if necessary
Call, text or chat 988
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
24/7 Confidential • Staffed by Lifeline Counselors • Once Connected to hotline may choose to communicate via chat which may be more comfortable for some- must complete a pre-Chat survey to engage in chat function
800-273-8255 or text TALK to 741741
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Help and Crisis Line
Access to volunteer Crisis Counselor Call Help line: 800-950-NAMI (6264) Available M-F, 10am – 6pm EST
Text GOT5 to 741741
Contact Community Services is a multifaceted organization that supports social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health of children, youth and adults • 24/7 telephone counseling • any kind of distress or need, or just to talk • suicide prevention and crisis hotline. • Crisis and suicide prevention • School Support Services • Youth development programs • Behavioral intervention programs • Social and emotional learning programs • School based mental health and substance abuse counseling • School -wide substance abuse awareness
Call Onondaga County 315-251-0600 or Cayuga County 877-400-8740
Intensive Crisis Stabilization Center (ICSC)
24/7, 365 days year walk-in clinic; treating patients of all ages with emergent crisis. Pt's are evaluated by RN at intake and will see mental health counselor/provider (i.e. substance abuse/mental health/23-hour respite needs/psych medication needs)
329 Salina Street, Syracuse, NY 13203 Call 315-434-5333
HelpGuide International
A trusted guide to mental, emotional, and social health.
NY State Covid-19 Emotional Support Helpline
On line Wellness group available Will also assist caregivers in figuring out how to help your children to cope with COVID -19
Call 844-863-9314; 8AM-10PM, 7 days a week
SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline
National hotline dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human - caused disaster. The Disaster Distress Helpline also answers calls and texts related to infectious disease outbreaks such as the Coronavirus pandemic, incidents of community unrest, and other traumatic events. This confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States. Stress, anxiety, and other depression -like symptoms are common reactions after a disaster.
Call or text 800-985-5990
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Trained expert advocates; Available 24/7; Provides confidential support to anyone experiencing domestic violence or seeking resources and information
Call 800-799-SAFE (7233)
National Sexual Assault Hotline
Connect with a trained staff member from a local sexual assault service provider; offers access to a range of free services. 24/7 **RAINN mobile app offers survivors and loved ones access to tools and information
Call 800-656-HOPE (4673)
HOPEline Services
Problem gambling, drug and alcohol abuse; Available 24/7; Multilingual (English, Spanish, Bengali, Traditional Chinese, Haitian-Creole, Korean and Russian
Call 877-8HOPENY (846-7369) or text HOPENY
Sober (Alcoholics Anonymous)
Fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem with the goal to achieve sobriety.
Free resources at; Syracuse page:
Hospice of CNY Grief Center
Expert resource at the end-of-life; provides comprehensive comfort care to patients and families through unique interdisciplinary services, bereavement counseling, education, and collaboration.
Call 315-634-1100
Hope for Bereaved
Helps grieving children, teens and adults by providing support groups, workshops and at no charge
315-475-HOPE (4673)
Bereavement Support for Adults and Children
Seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what individuals are going through and want to help. Access to valuable resources to help in recovery from personal loss and rebuilding personal life.
Call 800-395-5755
Alliance of Hope
Online healing support and services for people who are coping with devastating loss to suicide; Online resources and access to support groups.
National Center for PTSD
The world's leading research and educational center of excellence on PTSD and traumatic stress. Understand PTSD, and learn about treatment options for you and your family. OFFERS FREE MOBILE APPS
Call 802-296-6300
Cancer Support Group - American Cancer Society
Free programs and services to help people with cancer and their loved ones understand cancer, manage their lives through treatment and recovery, and find the emotional support they need.
Call 800-227-2345
Professional Assistance Program
A confidential program to help licensed professionals who are suffering from the effects of a chemical; Confidential;
Call 518-474-3817, ext. 480 [email protected]
NURSES Statewide Peer Assistance for Nurses (SPAN)
For individual nurses and NPs who are affected by an alcohol or drug related problem or related mental health problem. Staffed by RNs who understand the healthcare workplace and the psychological, professional and legal problems that nurses affected by addiction face
800-45-SPAN-1 (457-7261) [email protected]
American Nurses Association
site with free tools and apps to support mental health and resilience of all nurses
A Healthier Upstate
Articles and tips for general health and wellness
Healthy Nurse Health Nation
Free program that promotes wellbeing of nurses.
EAP: Employee Assistance Program
EAP is a voluntary, work-based program that offers free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals and follow up services to employees who have personal and/or work - related problems.
315-492-5296 [email protected]
Staff Wellness Support Social Worker
Brief support for staff who have experienced critical care trauma; can provide resource information and connection
315-464-6001 [email protected]
Spiritual Care
Chaplains, services, educational programs, Reiki (For staff or patients)
Schwartz Rounds
A safe group discussion of a topic related to the emotional response of health care workers to challenging patients and situations. Several times per year, request invitation from Brigid Dunn, Spiritual Care, Schwartz Rounds coordinator
Email [email protected]
Pathway to Wellness
Wellness, health and self-care; Offers weekly and monthly activities and events that promote wellness; Smoking cessation support (including supplies); Open to all with an Upstate ID
Visit or email [email protected]
Pet-A-Pooch (Animal Support)
Request a staff event visit or become a pet therapy volunteer
315-492-5548 [email protected] ,
Mayo Wellbeing Index
Self-assessment tool with resources directed at major sources of stress. Invitation code: Upstate