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Upstate SPV COVER photo

Special Placement Volunteers at Upstate Medical University

Special Placement Volunteers (SPV) are individuals who have been invited to provide direct volunteer service in support of Upstate Medical University and its programs without compensation. These individuals are recruited and approved by the Upstate college or department in which they will be serving. They find their own placement and are approved by the host department/laboratory. These volunteers hold non-traditional placements in the institution. Once approved, clearance and onboarding are conducted by the Office of Volunteer Programs.

Special Placement Volunteer Program Policy and Helpful Information:

Special Placement Volunteer Policy UW V-08
Process to Become a Special Placement Volunteer
Frequently Asked Questions

How to request a Special Placement Volunteer:

Upstate Medical University will only accept Special Placement Volunteers (SPV) who have been invited to join a research laboratory, or department by an Upstate employee/faculty member. The Upstate employee or faculty member will be considered the SPV host and is responsible for the volunteer during the placement with Upstate. The host can request an SPV by filling out a "Request to Appoint a Special Placement Volunteer Form" below. All request forms must be fully completed and submitted, with-in 60 days of the volunteer's placement, to the Office of Volunteer Programs. 

You will need Upstate network access in order to access the request form.

request to Appoint a Special Placement Volunteer Form

Please return completed form to: [email protected] or Fax# 315-464-2272  


F-1 Visa (Academic Student)

We will consider applications from individuals already in the U.S. on an F-1 Student Visa, provided they have written approval from their university's Designated School Official (DSO) and meet all other criteria for the program. Applicants will not be processed without the written approval submitted with the SPV request form.

 J-1 Visa (Exchange Visitor) 

If you are already in the US on a J-1 Visa or outside the U.S. seeking a J-1 Visa and need information on the University's J-1 Exchange Visitor program for research scholars, postdocs and students, please contact Ms. Jennifer Abbott, Director of International Student and Scholar Services/Exchange Visitor Advisor at 315-464-4604 or [email protected]   

Non-U.S. Citizens not currently in the U.S.

We cannot process applications for non-U.S. citizens seeking a Special Placement Volunteer assignment for use as sponsorship for a visa application.

Any questions or concerns regarding the Special Placement Volunteer Program, please contact:

Office of Volunteer Programs
Upstate University Hospital

