Annual Security Reports
The Clery Act requires colleges and universities that receive federal funding to disseminate a public annual security report (ASR) to employees and students every October 1st. This ASR must include statistics of campus crime for the preceding 3 calendar years, plus details about efforts taken to improve campus safety.
ASRs must also include policy statements regarding (but not limited to) crime reporting, campus facility security and access, law enforcement authority, incidence of alcohol and drug use, and the prevention of/response to sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, and stalking.
Below are the most current Annual Security & Fire Safety Reports for Upstate Medical University:
Annual Security Reports:
2023 Annual Security & Fire Safety Report
2022 Annual Security & Fire Safety Report
2021 Annual Security & Fire Safety Report
2020 Annual Security & Fire Safety Report
2019 Annual Security & Fire Safety Report
2018 Annual Security & Fire Safety Report
Crime Categories Covered
Institutions of higher education must include four distinct categories of crime in their ASR crime data.
Criminal Offenses
- Criminal homicide: murder and non-negligent manslaughter, manslaughter by negligence
- Sexual assault: rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape
- Robbery
- Aggravated assault
- Burglary
- Motor vehicle theft
- Arson
Hate Crimes (any of the above mentioned offenses, and any incidents of)
- Larceny-theft
- Simple assault
- Intimidation
- Destruction/damage/vandalism of property
VAWA Offenses
- Domestic violence
- Dating violence
- Stalking
Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action
- Weapons law violations
- Drug abuse violations
- Liquor law violations
Crime Reporting Geography and Availability
Clery Act crime reporting is not strictly limited to events that occur on campus or within campus buildings and residences. Institutions must include statistics for crime that occur in any of these geographic areas:
- On-campus (anywhere)
- On-campus student housing
- Public property within campus bounds
- Public property immediately adjacent to the campus
- Noncampus buildings and property owned or controlled by the organization that are used for educational purposes and frequently used by students but not a part of the core campus, or those owned or controlled by a student organization officially recognized by the institution
Wherever crimes occur, campus police and public safety departments must maintain a daily crime log of all reported crimes that fall within their jurisdiction. This crime log must be made available to the public during daily business hours.
Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications
When a crime covered by the Clery Act occurs, campus officials are required to evaluate if there is a serious or ongoing threat to the campus community to determine if a timely warning needs to be issued to all staff and students.
In the event of an immediate, significant danger to the health or safety campus community (e.g. weather, disease outbreak), campus officials may issue an emergency notification. This notification can include the entire campus, or be limited to a specific area deemed to be at risk.
Victim Rights, Options, and Resources
Victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking have specific rights, options, and resources guaranteed to them by the Clery Act.
Prevention Education
Institutions are required to provide to students and employees, on an introductory and ongoing basis, prevention and awareness programs on the crimes covered above. These programs must include material on bystander intervention and risk reduction aimed at recognizing the warning signs of these crimes.
Student and Employee Rights
Institutions must provide victims of the crimes covered above with a written explanation of their rights. These rights include the option for a relocation/change of housing, transportation, or academic course assignment. They also include access to counseling services, legal services, and law enforcement notification.
Disciplinary Proceedings
All disciplinary proceedings must be conducted by trained parties at the institution — either individuals or panels of trained persons. Proceedings are required to be prompt, fair, and impartial, and must confer certain procedural rights to both the accuser and the accused.