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Per Diem & Mileage Rates

Maximum Lodging and Meal Per Diem Rates

Maximum travel per diem rates are available at the General Service Administration Office of Governmentwide Policy Website indicated below. The rates are established by city and/or county. If the city is not listed, look for the county the city is in.

The General Service Administration Office site also maintains a list of hotels that will accept the government rates.

Any area that is not specifically listed is assigned the standard CONUS (Continental United States) per diem rate. Effective October 1, 2009, the standard rate in effect is $70 for lodging and $46 for meals. The standard rate before October 1, 2009 is $70 for lodging and $39 for meals.

 Mileage Rates

Effective January 1, 2024


Effective January 1, 2023


Effective July 1, 2022


Effective Jan 1, 2022 


Effective Jan 1, 2021


Effective Jan 1, 2020


Below is the breakdown for each meal per diem rate per SUNY Upstate guidelines. When determining which per diem rate to use, you can reference the GSA website

Meal Allowance Rates (effective October 1, 2018)

Total M&IE Meal Allowance Breakfast 20% Dinner 80%
$92.00 $18.00 $74.00
$86.00 $17.00 $69.00
$80.00 $16.00 $64.00
$79.00 $16.00 $63.00
$74.00 $15.00 $59.00
$69.00 $14.00 $55.00
$64.00 $13.00 $51.00
$59.00 $12.00 $47.00

