Your Cause
Each November, Upstate employees and students are encouraged to nominate a local non-profit organization whose mission is in line with the mission of Upstate. The selected organization will be Team Upstate’s featured “Your Cause” organization for the year and will receive support for events, outreach, hands-on work and education.
Past "Your Cause" Sponsorships:
2021: Rescue Mission: Runaway & Homeless Emergency Youth Shelter (Due to the pandemic volunteer efforts were limited in 2020)
2020: Rescue Mission: Runaway & Homeless Emergency Youth Shelter Announcement
2019: In My Father's Kitchen
2018: Chadwick Residence
2017: On Point for College
2016: Clear Path for Veterans
Submission FAQs
If my organization is selected, what are my specific duties and responsibilities?
You will be required to attend quarterly Team Upstate meetings and serve as a liaison between your organization and Team Upstate. You will also be required to recruit and organize Upstate volunteers for special events, if needed. The time commitment is approximately 20 hours for the entire year.
I want to start a charity; can I use these funds?
Your Cause only funds established organizations.
Is my organization a part the SEFA?
Please check the website at to determine if your organization is a part of SEFA. If not, please be sure to enroll during the open enrollment period of 12/1/2018 to 1/31/2019.