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Course Request

Thank you for your interest in Stop the Bleed training!

Upstate Trauma Center and the CNY RTAC (Central New York Regional Trauma Advisory Committee) have partnered together to help bring this life-saving training into our 14 county trauma region.

Your course request is being shared with agencies and individuals who provide Stop the Bleed training in our region.

These agencies are working together to meet as many requests as possible.

Anyone who is able to fulfill your request will contact you directly.

If you do not receive a reply from someone able to conduct your course, you may also enroll in a course that is open to the public.

To look for a course in your area please visit the Bleeding Control website.

Managing Your Request

  • Please submit your course request a minimum of 45 days prior to your desired course date
  • Once received, the recruitment of volunteer instructors will begin
  • The ability to conduct the course and class size are dependent upon the availability of instructors
  • You will be notified of the status of your request two-weeks prior to your requested course date


Course Request



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