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Research Papers Authored or Co-Authored by Shreyas Roy

Kubiak BD, Albert SP, Gatto LA, Snyder KP, Maier KG, Vieau CJ, Roy S, Nieman GF. Peritoneal negative pressure therapy prevents multiple organ injury in a chronic porcine sepsis and ischemia/reperfusion model. Shock, 2010; 34(5):525-534. *

Maggio D, Sadowitz B , Vieau C, Albert S, Kubiak B, Roy S, CM1, Gatto LA , Nieman GF. Titration of Mean Airway Pressure and FiO2 During High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation in a Porcine Model of Acute Lung Injury. J Surg Res, 2010; 164:e146-e153. *

Kubiak BC, Albert SP, Gatto LA, Vieau CJ, Roy S, Snyder KP, Maier KG, Nieman GF. A clinically applicable porcine model of septic and ischemia/reperfusion induced shock and multiple organ injury. J Surg Res. 2011; 166(1):e59-69. *

Albert S, Kubiak BD, Vieau CJ, DiRocco J, Gatto LA, Young JL, Tripathi S, Roy SK, Trikha G, Lopez C, Nieman GF. Comparison of “open lung’ models with low tidal volumes in a porcine lung injury model. J Surg Res 2011 Mar;166(1):e71-81. Epub. *

Roy SK, Kendrick D, Sadowitz BD, Gatto L, Snyder K, Satalin JM, Golub LM, Nieman G. Jack of All Trades: Pleiotropy and the application of Chemically Modified Tetracycline -3 in Sepsis and the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Pharmacological Research. 2011; 64: 580-589. *

Sadowitz B, Roy S, Gatto LA, Habashi N, Nieman G. Lung injury induced by sepsis: lessons learned from large animal models and future directions for treatment. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2011 9(12):1169-78. *

Roy S, Kubiak B, Albert S, Vieau C, Gatto L, Golub L, Lee HM, Sookhu S, Vodovotz Y, Nieman G. Chemically Modified Tetracycline-3 prevents ARDS in a Porcine Model of Sepsis+ Ischemia/reperfusion induced lung injury. Shock 2012;37:424-32. *

Roy S, Sadowitz B, Andrews P, Kuhn M, Ghosh A, Gatto LA, Marx W, Dean D, Lin X, Wang G, Ge L, Vodovotz Y, Nieman G, Habashi N. Preventative ventilation prior to lung injury averts ARDS: A novel timing-based strategy of ventilator therapy. J Trauma. 2012;73:391. *

Roy S, Habashi N, Sadowitz B, Andrews P, Ge L, Wang G, Roy P, Singh A, Ghosh A, Kuhn M, Satalin J, Gatto LA, Lin X, Dean D, Vodovotz Y, Nieman GF. Early airway pressure release ventilation prevents ARDS: A novel preventive approach to lung injury. Shock. 2013;30:28-38.*

Emr B, Gatto LA, Roy S, Satalin J, Ghosh A, Snyder K, Andrews P, Habashi N, Marx W, Ge L, Wang G, Dean DA, Vodovotz Y, Nieman G. Airway pressure release ventilation prevents ventilator induced lung injury in normal lungs. JAMA Surgery, 2013, Sept 11 [Epub ahead of print]

Roy S, Emr B, Sadowitz B, Gatto LA, Ghosh A, Satalin J, Snyder KP, Ge l, Wang G, Marx W, Dean DA, Andrews P, Singh A, Scalea T, Habashi N, Nieman GF. Preemptive application of airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) prevents development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in a rat traumatic hemorrhagic shock model. Shock. 2013;40(3):210-216.

Andrews PL, Shiber JR, Jaruga-Killeen E, Roy S, Sadowitz B, O’Toole RV, Gatto LS, Nieman GF, Scalea T, Habashi N. Early application of airway pressure release ventilation may reduce mortality in high-risk trauma patients: A systematic review of observational trauma ARDS literature. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2013;75:635-641
