Two Levels of Specialized Care
Upstate University Hospital's Neuroscience Services represents a comprehensive continuum of services and care for neurology and neurosurgery patients. The Neuroscience nursing units work together to support patient process and care throughout each level of need. We pride ourselves on the neuroscience nursing specialty, focusing on the unique expertise needed to care for this specialized patient population.
As patients progress through their recovery they are moved from the Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit to the Neuroscience Medical Surgical Unit in our beautiful facility in the East Tower. Daily discharge planning rounds, involving all members of the multi-disciplinary team, occur Monday through Friday.
Neuroscience Medical Surgical Unit (9G)
9G is the 19-bed Neuroscience Medical Surgical Unit. The nurses in this unit care for a wide range of patients who have undergone complex neurological procedures as well as trauma. The unit also cares for a wide range of neurology diagnoses including stroke and migraine. The unit also has telemetry monitoring capability for 16 patients.
Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit (9F and 9E)
Upstate has two Neuroscience Intensive Care Units totaling 27 beds and are run by two Neurocritical Care teams. Each of the beds are state-of-the-art in terms of monitoring and equipment. Nurses in these units care for complex neurocritically ill patients requiring advanced neuromonitoring and neuro-assessments. Common patient diagnoses include brain trauma, subarachnoid hemorrhage, subdural and epidural hematomas, brain tumors, and status epilepticus. Complex treatment modalities in the Neuroscience Intensive Care Units include intracranial pressure monitoring, and external ventricular drainage, the use of brain tissue oxygenation monitoring and induced therapeutic hypothermia for cardiac arrest as well as for complex neurological conditions. Post-treatment stroke patients are also admitted to either Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit for specialized neuroscience nursing monitoring. Specific training and education are provided during orientation. A learning environment is supported in the daily routine of the Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit staff.