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stained glass window at cancer center meditation room

Department of Spiritual Care

If you would like to speak to one of us, please have the nurse contact us or you may call us and leave a message at:

  • Phone: 315 464-4687 (Ext. 4-4687 on a hospital phone)
    For emergencies, call the operator.
  • Email: [email protected]

Inclusive ~ Interfaith ~ Integrated

Spirituality is recognized as a factor that contributes to health in many persons. The concept of spirituality is found in all cultures and societies. It is expressed in an individual's search for ultimate meaning through participation in religion and/or belief in God, family, naturalism, rationalism, humanism and the arts. All these factors can influence how patients and health care professionals perceive health and illness and how they interact with one another.

(The Association of American Medical Colleges Medical School Objectives Report III, 1999)

Our Mission Statement

  • The Department of Spiritual Care of Upstate Medical University is a clinically excellent service offering inclusive hospitality and providing hope.
  • We are understood and sought out as essential and valued members of the interdisciplinary patient and family-centered team.
  • We are committed to maintain a balance among mind, body and spirit.
  • Our teamwork inspires creativity in times of change and growth.
  • We take initiative for ongoing education to enhance clinical excellence and professional competence.
  • The Center is more than a place. It is the spiritual energy that transforms us and promotes healing of body, mind and spirit.

(created at the annual Spiritual Care staff retreat January 14, 2005)
