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Faculty and Staff

The Upstate MPH program is located wholly within the Department of Public Health & Preventive Medicine, one of 26 departments that constitute the Norton College of Medicine at Upstate Medical University. All faculty have appointments in the department and college.

We represent a wide range of disciplines and perspectives, including Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Research Methods, Counseling and Behavioral Health, Health Services Research and Economics, Community Health and Health Behavior, Preventive Medicine, Narrative Medicine and English Literature, Social Work, Business/Healthcare Administration, Environmental Health, Public Administration, the medical/health social sciences, and general public health.

In addition to the wide range of disciplinary training represented by the faculty, there are many areas of research, including maternal/child health, ethics, practice improvement, primary care, health workforce development, environmental health studies, clinical trial research, outcomes research, and community health assessment and disease surveillance, to name a small sampling of examples. Faculty often serve as research methods consultants for teams around the institution and were central to the regional and state response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Several faculty are also engaged in regional and national advocacy and policy work. At core, research, education, and service to improve health equity, justice, and the amelioration of the impacts of the social determinants of health, are central to what we do.

Professor and Chair

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor


Adjunct Instructor

Joint Faculty

Distinguished Professor


Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Clinical Assistant Professor

Other Faculty & Professional Staff

  • Danning Huang, MS (Research Instructor & Biostatistical Analyst, Center for Research & Evaluation)
  • Elizabeth Luke, MS MPH (Special Projects Coordinator)
  • Steven Ziemba, MBA (Business Coordinator)