Upstate Department of Psychiatry
A Multifaceted Approach to Care
At Upstate Medical University's Psychiatry Department, we strive to treat patients holistically and with a variety of approaches.
There is a long standing history of providing excellent training and patient care in regard to deploying psychodynamic techniques. We have faculty innovators in this particular area of patient care and also have a diverse faculty who have trained in different schools and subsets of psychodynamic psychotherapy clearly rounding out one of our strengths as a department. Faculty also train interns and residents to provide CBT, DBT, IPT, and EMDR, further diversifying the training experience and the types of treatments we can provide to our patients.
We have experts in psychopharmacology particularly in the area of treatment resistant major depressive disorder and first break psychosis associated with schizophrenia. The Department has a strong and parallel set of training curricula for psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy and truly live and work with the biopsychosocial approach here in Syracuse. There is ongoing and increasing support for both clinical and basic science researchers in the areas of functional neuroanatomy and psychiatric genetics.
Finally, our department is truly multidisicplinary where psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurse practitioners and others all serve to treat patients and improve their quality of life. We provide treatment to a wide variety of patients and research important topics in the world of psychiatry and psychology. The Department trains students of many professions and pride ourselves in protecting the academic nature of our department so we can continue to provide high quality teaching. The outcome is gratifying in that we have many skilled and compassionate clinicians working with us and in our community as a result.
Committment to Diversity & Inclusion
The Department of Psychiatry at Upstate is committed to embracing diversity by treating everyone with respect and dignity. Our department culture values faculty, staff and patients of every race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation, socioeconomic status, age, and physical and cognitive ability. Consistent with the combined missions of the College of Medicine and the Department of Psychiatry, one of our primary goals is to attract and cultivate a dynamic and culturally sensitive faculty and staff that exemplifies, promotes and celebrates diversity.
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Upstate University Hospital
750 East Adams Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
Google Maps & Directions
For patient-related inquiries:
315 464-3265
[email protected]
For All Other Department-related Inquiries
Stacey White
315 464-3105
[email protected]