Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Bldg TU3
Google Maps & Directions
Rm. 126
713 Harrison Street, Syracuse, NY 13210
Phone: 315 464-3145
Clinic Details | Visit Website
The Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic is an interdisciplinary, outpatient training facility providing diagnostic evaluation and treatment services to children and adolescents (through the age of 18) and their families referred from the community and departments of Upstate Medical University.
The Clinic's faculty and complement of trainees represent the disciplines of:
- Psychiatry
- Clinical psychology
- Psychiatric social work
Trainees are involved in the delivery of clinical services to patients, supervision of which is provided by faculty members of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
If you are interested in seeking care from the Child and Adolescent Clinic, parents/guardians should call us at 315-464-3145. We will review our intake procedures and other details to begin the admission process.
The Services/Treatments
The Clinic furnishes outpatient services to a wide variety of patients covering the spectrum of ages, problems and referral sources. Evaluation and treatment services provided to patients include a range of relevant diagnostic procedures and treatment modalities.
Evaluations are conducted by interdisciplinary diagnostic teams or by individual trainees. Evaluations may span a period of 3-4 weeks and may include:
- Adolescent Dialectical Behavior Therapy Program
- Anxiety Disorders
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders Program
- Child Abuse Project
- Child & Adolescent Therapy
- Conferences with school and other community agencies involved in the case
- Conjoint interviews with parents
- Excellence iN Health Care for Abused and Neglected ChildrEn (ENHANCE)
- Family interviews
- Family Therapy
- Individual interviews with a parent
- Interviews with the child or adolescent
- Psychological testing
- School and home visits
Evaluations are completed with a summary interview(s) with parents in which the results and recommendations of the evaluation are discussed. When appropriate, the summary interview may include the child or adolescent, or a separate summary interview may be scheduled for him.
Treatment services offered through the Clinic include various individual psychotherapies with children and adolescents, individual and conjoint psychotherapy with parents, and family therapy. Short-term or time-limited psychotherapy with children and/or parents are used when the presenting problems and the nature of the case warrant the use of these modes of treatment.