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At the psych gene lab


A striking feature of the department's research effort is that our residents publish at a prolific rate, perhaps inspired by the hundreds of papers the faculty regularly author.

Building on a rich tradition of incisive scholarship and research, faculty are currently involved in numerous and varied  projects that include ADHD, schizophrenia, Psychosis and ADHD.  Funded on-going research includes neuroscience of memory, neuroimaging, autism, ADHD, PTSD, and alcoholism & addiction.  Click here to see specific research interests for some of our faculty.  Our Director of Research, Stephen Faraone, is one of the most prolific and influential research psychologists in the world.  Dr. Faraone was recently acknowledged as the most frequently cited author in psychiatry and psychology in the US.  He is the world's third most cited researcher in these fields according to Microsoft Academic search, a free academic search engine.  He has over 800 publications and nearly 300,000 citations!  Click here to learn more about Dr. Faraone's specific research.   

This broad range of faculty interests combined with a rich tradition of encouragement of and collaboration with residents has led to one of the highest rates of resident publications in the country.

Residents are continually exposed to research being carried on in the department and are encouraged to participate in or to complete projects of their own. Our training emphasizes critical thinking and provides residents with the tools necessary to evaluate and interpret psychiatric research.

Listed below is a sampling of some of the resident research activity over the past few years:

  • 'A Shock in Time: Deja vu following Electroconvulsive Shock Therapy'
  • 'Time to Face it: Suicidal Ideation on Facebook'
  • 'Endogenous Opioid System Disorders'
  • 'Doctors as Gods: Should Psychiatrists Mke Patients DNR Against the Patient's Will?'
Luba Mirabelle

Resident Research Course

A seminar is conducted in which residents critically examine research papers from the current literature and determine whether research design and procedures are adequate. Statistical analytic techniques are reviewed, and the transfer of research findings to clinical practice is emphasized.

Each resident is also required to complete a scholarly analysis of some important psychiatric issue, which can lead to a formal research project and published articles.
