Certified Recovery Peer Advocate (CRPA) Fellowship Program
In this fellowship program, you will learn the key domains to becoming an effective CRPA (Certified Recovery Peer Advocate) including:
- Advocacy
- Mentoring and Education
- Recovery/Wellness Support
- Ethical Responsibility
- Medications for Addiction Treatment Training
- Zero Suicide
- Hep C Training
- New Confidentiality Training
- OASAS Training:
- Care Giving and Ethical Empathy
- Sexual Misconduct
- Mandated Reporting
- Problem Solving and Decision Making in the Clinical Environment
- Developing Plans of Safe Care with a Patient-Centered Approach
- OASAS Year of Ethics: Confidentiality and Communication
- OASAS Justice Center Oversight and Monitoring
Rotation sites include:
- Crouse Health
- Commonwealth Place
- SUNY Upstate
- Helio Health
- ACR Health
- Prevention Network
- Syracuse Community Treatment Court
- Farnham Family Services
How To Apply
Applicants must complete the educational requirement to be eligible for CRPA-P certification as per NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS).
Please contact Meghan Pomeroy with any questions about the program or for an off-season application.