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  • Hiscock Legal Aid Society https://www.hlalaw.org/
    • Contact Information: 
      • Senior Legal Assistant, Emily Davies, (315) 218-0196 

Emily would carry out intake and assignment if appropriate

  • Volunteer Lawyers Project of CNY https://vlpcny.org/, (315) 471-3409
    • Contact:
      • Sara McDowell, Esq.

Director of CNY Immigration Program - ONA Legal Counsel CNY

  • Cornell Law’s Clinical Programs:Offer legal assistance to undocumented and DACA students. Generally, this includes DACA renewal, advance parole, and limited work on other types of applications such as asylum. 
  • For DACA-specific inquiries, you can email Professor Jaclyn Kelley-Widmer at [email protected]
  • For broader immigration questions, you can email [email protected] to reach the group of immigration-focused clinical faculty at Cornell Law.


One of the leading nongovernmental organizations in the U.S. dedicated to advancing the rights of immigrants and new americans

DACA page - https://www.nilc.org/issues/daca/ 

Good place to keep up with latest DACA news and advocacy efforts 


  • Julieta Schiffino: [email protected] or 212.364.5823
  • https://www.suny.edu/attend/get-started/undocumented/

Our DACA and Undocumented Student Taskforce at Upstate Medical University recognizes that DACA and/or undocumented status may create some financial uncertainty concerns for prospective or current applicants and students. If you have any questions, our Financial Aid Team is willing and happy to help you. Email [email protected] or Schedule an Advisement to speak to a financial aid advisor virtually, in-person or by phone.

