Upstate's Regional Impact
Regional response is hallmark of Upstate's mission.
Stretching north to Canada and south to the Pennsylvania, Upstate's sphere of influence can be felt across a wide swath of New York.
Education programs in various locations across the state help train medical professionals in their home communities. Clinical care, too, is spread far and wide, with physicians using telemedicine to help cover medical specialist shortages in rural communities. And the Upstate Poison Center, from its hub in Syracuse, provides poison information and support for millions of New Yorkers.
Powering New York's economy
The region's only public academic medical center, Upstate powers the CNY economy to a tune of $2.3 billion.
The economic benefit to the region goes hand in hand with Upstate's presence as the region's largest employer with nearly 9,000 people from nearly 30 New York counties. That's a payroll of more than $600 million that gets recirculated throughout Central New York in purchasing power, as well as state and local taxes. Upstate's research enterprise, now totaling more than $40 million, and its clinical operations, serving nearly half a million patients, adds muscle to Upstate's economic might.
Unlocking medicine's mysteries
Upstate's $40-plus million research enterprise is critical to its role as an academic medical center.
Not only does Upstate educate students and care for patients, it provides hope for a healthier tomorrow through its robust research agenda. While research is being done in many areas, Upstate has initiated a full court press in the battle to better treatments for cancer. Its Cancer Research has attracted influential scientists from across the country with its ability to offer the state-of-the art resources to find newer, less toxic drugs for cancer care.
Getting it done
The recent acquisition of Community General Hospital, the transformation of two downtown derelict high-rises into student apartments, the addition of research space in the Institute of Human Performance, the construction of a biotechnology research center, and work to build the Upstate Cancer Center, are key attributes for the campus's growth agenda and the "get-r-done" philosophy.
Community outreach is part of Upstate's mission
Whether it's collecting blankets for refugees or mentoring local elementary school students in science, Upstate Medical University staff and students are involved in dozens of community service activities aimed at creating a better life for many.
Upstate employees benefit hundreds of local community service agencies through their support of the Community Giving Campaign. Upstate is noted as one of the area's most generous employers when it comes community support. In addition, Upstate's dedicated team of volunteers, Team Upstate, spearheads the university's response to numerous charity events, including Vera House, the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society and others.