Research at Upstate Medical University
Upstate's thriving biomedical research enterprise is dedicated to understanding and improving the human condition. Recent technological advances permit investigators to understand diseases at a molecular and cellular level and to develop targeted treatments. Structural, Molecular, and Systems Biology informs and supports research in Upstate's four disease-based pillars: cancer; infectious diseases; disorders of the nervous system; and diabetes, metabolic disorders and cardiovascular diseases.
Researchers at Upstate are supported by the Office of Research Administration and have access to excellent core facilities on campus.
Research Faculty
- Research at Upstate
Information on Upstate's faculty researchers can be accessed by name or by research topic
Research Departments at SUNY Upstate Medical University
- Research by Department
A listing of our foundational science and clinical research departments
Research Administration
- Research Administration
An overview of the support services for our research faculty
Research Facilities
- Core Research Facilities
Upstate's outstanding institutional and departmental core facilities