Beyond the Doctorate Research Day
The College of Graduate Studies' Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and the Office of Graduate Medical Education invite the Upstate Community to celebrate the research accomplishments of SUNY Upstate's postdocs, residents and fellows by participating in the Beyond the Doctorate Research Day.
This year's Beyond the Doctorate Research Day will be held on Wednesday, April 09, 2025. The program began with presentations from postdocs, fellow and residents, followed by a Keynote Speaker and poster presentations.
Abstract Submissions (Abstract Registration Open Soon!)
- Oral presentation abstract submission deadline is Sunday, February 2, 2025 by 11:59 p.m.
- Poster presentation abstract submission deadline is Sunday March 23, 2025 by 11:59 p.m.
Abstract Submissions
Requirements for submitting abstracts. You must read and follow the requirements prior to submission. If the requirements are not followed your abstract may be denied.
Before you start
- Read these instructions first; you may want to open them in a separate window or print them for reference as you submit.
- The primary author (presenting author) should be the abstract submitter. The primary author (presenting author) will be the first author listed on the abstract. The primary author cannot be changed.
- Only the primary author may present the abstract. Please review the author agreement before submission.
Submitting an abstract
1. Complete the registration page
- The primary author (presenting author) must log in to the site to submit the abstract. The primary author cannot be changed. If you are not the primary author (presenting author) do not complete the submission form.
- Complete all required fields on the registration page, at this point you can save or you can upload your abstract, before you submit, you must read the guidelines for the abstract. If the guidelines are not followed your abstract could be rejected. You will be notified if the abstract is rejected.
2. Guidelines for the Abstract
- First Author, and all co-authors — Last name, first name, (subscripted affiliation(s) number); separated with semi-colons you can list up to six (6) co-authors, if you have more authors you can use et. al. But all authors must be listed on your poster. Example of how to write your authors: Smith, Jane1
- Affiliation(s) — subscripted number, department, institution. Example of how to write the affiliations: 1Upstate Medical University, Department of Biochemistry
- Abstract title — abstract title should be case sensitive. Example: Following the Abstract Guidelines is Important to the Abstract Submission
- Abstract body — Upload your abstract from a Word document not in PDF. Be sure to double-check the appearance of any special characters/symbols you have used in your abstract.
The abstract should be formatted and include:- 10pt font, arial, left aligned, single-spaced, double-spaced between paragraphs.
- A sentence stating the study objective (unless given in the title).
- A statement of methods.
- A summary of the results.
- A statement of the conclusions.
- Tables/figures or pictures are not permitted.
- Do not repeat the abstract title in this section.
- Citations should not be included here but on your poster if needed.
3. Before submitting, make sure
- You have the correct abstract.
- You have proofread your abstract.
- All co-authors and PI's have approved your abstract.
- Make sure all tracking and comments are off and a clean copy is submitted.
Poster Printing
Posters may be printed through the department of Medical Photography & Graphics, Weiskotten Hall
Rm. 160. In order to have your poster printed in time please submit your file (and the online request form) by Monday, March 24, but preferably sooner. Posters are printed in the order they are received. If you wait until Friday it is not guaranteed your poster can be printed in time. For questions about printing please contact Deborah Rexine at [email protected] or by calling 315 464-5877.
2024 BDRD Photos
To see photos from 2024 Beyond the Doctorate Research Day visit our Flickr gallery at: