PGY-2 Infectious Disease Residency
A message from the Residency Program Director
“My goal as program director is to guide residents, and facilitate their development from generalized- to - specialized practitioners by equipping them with the tools necessary to be an integral part of a multidisciplinary team. Our facility provides ample opportunity to hone clinical, teaching and leadership skills through the variety of experiences offered throughout the year. Our long-standing relationship with our ID physicians has created high demand for pharmacy services including a PGY-2 resident, and there are many exciting opportunities on the horizon.”
- Jeff Steele, PharmD
Program Overview
The program is 12 months and focuses heavily on acute care but does have an HIV ambulatory learning experience. The program’s core is its antimicrobial stewardship and ID consult learning experiences where residents spend 3 months in each. Other learning experiences such as HIV, critical care, emergency department and pediatric infectious diseases consult service are interspersed to offer the resident an opportunity to focus on specific patient populations with infectious diseases needs. The year starts with an orientation period that enables the resident to interact with ancillary services such as microbiology and infection control to forge relationships and to establish an appreciation for what goes on behind the scenes. The resident wraps up the year with a transition to practice learning experience that requires management of both ID consult and stewardship patients and emphasizes prioritization and time-management skills. Longitudinal learning experiences help hone the resident’s skills over the year and include academia, leadership, staffing, and research. A complete list of learning experiences can be found in the table below. All learning experience are required as this program does not have elective learning experiences.
The program is in an academic setting that facilitates teaching opportunities. PGY-2 residents assist in precepting our six PGY-1 residents when on their stewardship and ID consult learning experiences and may have the opportunity to assist in precepting APPE students. This supports layered learning and gives the resident valuable supervised preceptor experience. Residents will also gain experience in formal lecturing in the second half of the year. Additional teaching and learning opportunities are offered through our involvement with the Infectious Diseases Physician group including weekly case conference, journal club and grand rounds.
The program's structure can be individualized to some degree. The resident and RPD will discuss the tentative rotation schedule during the orientation period and, with the initial development plan, will make necessary changes to the initial program structure. Quarterly, the resident and RPD will revisit the development plan, and make changes to support the resident in achieving both their personal goals and those goals and objectives established by ASHP.
Residency Program Highlights
- Upstate is an IDSA Antimicrobial Stewardship Center of Excellence
- High publication rate for past PGY2 residents
- Preparation for AAHIVP certification
- Transition of care experience as part of the Antimicrobial Stewardship learning experience
- All preceptors are board certified
Salary and Benefits
Click on Benefits/Housing link for more information regarding salary.
Benefits: Residents are eligible for a comprehensive benefits package including health insurance, dental and vision insurances, retirement plans, and vacation, holiday, and sick leave.
Staffing Requirements
Pharmacokinetic Services
- Scheduled approximately ONE weekend per month
- The resident will be responsible for performing pharmacokinetic calculations for patients receiving intravenous vancomycin and/or aminoglycosides and evaluating patient factors pertaining to the management of these drugs. In addition, the resident will oversee the work of the PGY-1 resident on the pharmacokinetic service.
Main Pharmacy Shift
- Scheduled approximately ONE evening (4 pm – 8 pm) every 3-4 weeks depending on the needs of the department. This is in addition to the regularly scheduled rotation.
- The resident will be involved in operations that typically take place in the main pharmacy including order verification, checking oral and intravenous preparations and answering phone calls.