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  • Doctors analyzing data
  • Being careful
  • Pediatric settings
  • Pharm techs at work

Welcome to Pharmacy Services

Upstate University Hospital
750 East Adams Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
Google Maps & Directions
Phone: 315 464-4210

Upstate University Hospital's Pharmacy Department is a vibrant organization recognized nationally for its dedicated staff, advanced clinical practice, patient safety initiatives, strong partnership with clinicians, outstanding teaching and clinical training programs.

Our post-doctoral residency programs provide solid foundations in pharmaceutical care by providing the experience necessary to meet the challenges of evolving roles in pharmacy practice."

We have over 100 Pharmacy Team members including pharmacists, technicians and support staff. Pharmacists are an integral and respected part of the multidisciplinary health care team, with responsibility for designing, implementing and evaluating a therapeutic regimen to produce optimal outcomes for patients.


The many contributions made by our pharmacists to providing quality, patient centered care include:
  • Influencing the selection of appropriate and pharmacoeconomically sound therapies
  • Monitoring drug therapy to ensure optimal patient care while minimizing adverse drug reactions
  • Preparing drug monographs for presentation to Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
  • Conducting drug-use evaluations
  • Educating medical residents, medical students, pharmacy students, nurses and other health care professionals about pharmacotherapy
  • Making recommendations on protocols, policies and procedures to ensure appropriate and economical use of agents
  • Providing patient and family education about medications and potential side effects
  • Clinical pharmacology services
  • Participation in daily round with various medical teams
  • Teach didactic courses for the medical and nursing school
  • Premier clinical training site in upstate New York for final year doctor of pharmacy students
  • Providing extended support for the Children's Hospital and the Emergency Department