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Current Publications with the Department of Pediatrics

Kurra S, Cahill PJ, Albanese SA, Betz RR, Toole T, Lavelle WF. Evaluation of shoulder balance in early onset scoliosis after definitive fusion and comparison with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis shoulder balance. Spine Deformity. 2022 Jan;10(1):183-188. Epub 2021 Aug 4.

Jan S, Anilkumar AC. Atypical brain MRI findings in a child with delayed diagnosis of Anti-N-Methyl- D-Aspartate receptor encephalitis. Cureus. 2021 Sep 19;13(9):e18103.

Ewida A, Ahmed R, Luo A, Ghonim HT, Anilkumar AC. Mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes syndrome presenting with Anton-Babinski syndrome and concurrent occipital lobe seizures. Cureus 2021;31(1):e12908.

Anilkumar AC, Reed Shenk ME. Pediatric syncope: etiological predictors and utility of diagnostic testing. Journal of the International Child Neurology Association. 1(1), Dec. 2020;154.

Ghonim HT, Anilkumar AC. Prediction of EEG seizures in critically ill children. Pediatric Neurology Briefs. 2020 Dec 18;34:23.

Murugesan BG, Jafroodifar A, Anilkumar AC, Leontieva L. Differential diagnosis of Landau-Kleffner syndrome versus post encephalitis syndrome in a 13-year-old boy with autism spectrum disorder. Cureus. 2020 Jul 25;12(7):e9385.

Balasundaram P, Anilkumar AC. Myoclonic epilepsy of infancy. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan.

Ashraf IJ, Pekarsky AR, Race JE, Botash AS. Making the most of clinical encounters: prevention of child abuse and maltreatment. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2020 Jun;67(3):481-498.

Feeney CC, Ajagbe OA, Suryadevara M. Yersinia enterocolitica infection presenting as incomplete Kawasaki disease: 2 cases and a review of the literature. Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. 2021; 10(2):217-219.

Gump BB, Heffernan KS, Bendinskas K, Hruska B, MacKenzie JA, Park A, Brann LS, Atallah-Yunes NH. Association of sleep quality with greater left ventricular mass in children aged 9 to 11 years. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2021 Apr 1;83(3):265-273.

Heffernan KS, Lefferts WK, Atallah-Yunes NH, Glasgow AC, Gump BB. Racial differences in left ventricular mass and wave reflection intensity in children. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2020 Mar 31;8:132.

Hill DT, Petroni M, Larsen DA, Bendinskas K, Heffernan K, Atallah-Yunes N, Parson PJ, Palmer CD, MacKenzie JA, Collins MB, Gump BB. Linking metal (Pb, Hg, Cd) industrial air pollution risk to blood metal levels and cardiovascular functioning and structure among children in Syracuse NY. Environmental Research. 2021 Feb;193:110557.

Berry WS, Blatt SD. Diaper Need? You can bank on it. Academic Pediatrics. 2021; 21:188-189.

Albert AB, Wagner KE, …. , Blatt SD, et al. Initial responsiveness to reward attainment and psychopathology in children and adults: An RDoC study. Psychiatry Research. 2020; 289:113021.

Blatt DB, Blatt SD, Dennehy PH. It’s not only vaccine hesitancy; it’s also physician hesitancy. Rhode Island Medical Journal. 2020;103(6):47-48.

Palusci VJ, Botash AS. Race and bias in child maltreatment diagnosis and reporting. Pediatrics. 2021;148(1):e2020049625.

Luo S, Botash AS. Testing a mobile app for child abuse treatment: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Nursing Science. 2020 Jun 23;7(3):320-329.

Caruso Brown AE. Acquiescence is not agreement: The problem of marginalization in pediatric decision making. The American Journal of Bioethics. 2021; http://doi.org/10.1080/15265161.2021.1887964

Caruso Brown AE. Social media in the pediatric hematology/oncology clinical space. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 2021;43:e37-e44.

Hootnick D, Ellingsworth L, Mauchin R, Caruso Brown A. “It occupied her entire childhood”: Looking back on limb-lengthening. Pediatrics. 2021; 147(2):e20201055.

Caruso Brown AE. The last bastion of paternalism? A reflection on proceduralism, power, and privilege. The Journal of Clinical Ethics. 2021;32(2):173-181.

Caruso Brown AE, Ciurria J. “Prix Fixe” or “A La Carte”? Pediatric decision making when the goals of care lie in the zone of parental discretion. The Journal of Ethics. 2021;32(4):299-306.

Dhall G, O’Neil SH, …., Comito M, et al. Excellent outcome of young children with nodular desmoplastic medulloblastoma treated on “Head Start” III: a multi-institutional, prospective clinical trial. Neuro-Oncology. 2020; 22(12):1862-1872.

Jain S, Shastri N, Sharma N, Conners GP. Optimizing critical care documentation in a pediatric emergency department. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2021;

Sarin A, Conners GP, Sullivant S, Giovanni J, Sherman A, Zanaboni C, Randell KA. Academic medical center visits by adolescents preceding emergency department care for suicidal ideation or suicide attempt. Academic Pediatrics. 2021;21:1218-1222.

Conners GP. Why won’t she eat? In Cantor R, Calleo V, Sadowitz PD, Avarello J, eds. Classic Teaching Cases in Pediatric Emergency Medicine. New York: Oxford University Press; 2020 forthcoming.

Owusu-Ansah S, Moore B, Shah MI, Gross T, Brown K, Gausche-Hill M, Remick K, Adelgais K, Rappaport L, Snow S, Wright-Johnson C, Leonard JC, Lyng J, Fallat J, American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine (includes Conners GP), Section on Emergency Medicine, EMS Subcommittee, Section on Surgery. Technical report: Pediatric readiness in emergency medical services systems. Pediatrics. 2020;145:e209193308.

Brown KM, Ackerman AD, Ruttan TK, Snow SK, American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine (includes Conners GP), American College of Emergency Physicians Pediatric Emergency Medicine Committee, Emergency Nurses Association Pediatric Emergency Medicine Committee. Access to optimal emergency care for children. Pediatrics. 2021;147:e2021050787 and Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2021;77:523-581.

Johansen A, Lee J, Robinson AL, Conners GP, Chew W, Chan S. Pediatric esophageal foreign body: possible role for digital tomosynthesis. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2021;37:208-212.

Daniels DK, Conners GP. Diagnosis and management of acute flaccid myelitis in the emergency department. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2021; forthcoming.

Kohli U, …., Conners GP, Shaw J, Smith FC, et al [81 total authors]. mRNA Coronavirus-19 vaccine-associated myopericarditis in adolescents: A survey study. Journal of Pediatrics. 2021; forthcoming.

Craig AR, Sullivan WE, Derrenbacker K, Rimal A, Derosa NM, Roane HS. An evaluation of resurgence in mice. Learning and Motivation. 2020;72:101671.

Craig AR, Sullivan WE, Browning KO, Derosa NM, Roane HS. Re-exposure to reinforcement in contact a during treatment in context b reduces ABC renewal. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 2020;113(1):141-152.

Brown KR, Greer BD, Craig AR, Sullivan WE, Fisher WW, Roane HS. Resurgence following differential reinforcement of alternative behavior implemented with and without extinction. Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 2020;113(2):449-467.

Fisher WW, Luczynski KC, ……, Craig AR, et al. A randomized clinical trial of a virtual-training program for teaching applied-behavior-analysis skills to parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 2020;53(4):1856-1875.

Fuhrman AM, Fisher WW, Greer BD, Shahan TA, Craig AR. Resurgence following traditional and interdependent differential reinforcement of alternative behavior. Behavioral Development. 2021;26(1):29-42.

Derosa NM, Sullivan WS, Craig AR, Roane HS. (2020). Self-Injurious Behavior, Rituals, and Stereotypies. In: Matson J.L. (ed) Handbook of Dual Diagnosis: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (pp. 343-356). New York, NY: Springer.

Derosa NM, Sullivan WE, Roane HS, Kadey HJ, Craig AR. (2021) Single-case experimental designs. In: Fisher W, Piazza C & Roane H (eds) Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Griffin MP, Yuan Y, Takas T, Domachowske JB, et al. Single-dose nirsevimab for prevention of RSV in preterm infants. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2020;383(5):415-425.

El Chebib H, McArthur K, Gorbonosov M, Domachowske JB. Anaerobic necrotizing pneumonia: Another potential life-threatening complication of vaping? Pediatrics. 2020; 145(4):e20193204.

Walter EB, Talaat KR, …., Domachowske JB, et al. Evaluation of the BNT162b2 Covid-19 vaccine in children 5 to 11 years of age. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2021;386:35-46.

Krilov LR, Domachowske JB, Anderson EJ. RSV Disease: Current management and the future of treatment and prevention. Infectious Diseases and Therapy. 2021;10:1-3.

Domachowske JB, Anderson EJ, Goldstein M. The future of respiratory syncytial virus disease prevention and treatment. Infectious Diseases and Therapy. 2021;10:47-60.

Dicianno BE, Dosa N, Beierwaltes P. Preface to the special issue for the guidelines for the care of people with spina bifida. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine. 2020;13(4):457-459.

Dicianno BE, Beierwaltes P, Dosa N, et al. Scientific methodology of the development of the guidelines for the care of people with spina bifida: An initiative of the spina bifida association. Disability and Health Journal. 2020;13(2):100816.

Collins B, Fortner C, Cotey A, Esther Jr, CR, Trimble A. Drug exposure to infants born to mothers taking Elexacaftor, Tezacaftor, and Ivacaftor. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2021;21:S1569-S1993.

Fortner CN, Seguin JM, Kay DM. Normal pancreatic function and false-negative CF newborn screen in a child born to a mother taking CFTR modulator therapy during pregnancy. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2021;20(5):835-836.

Brown SA, Forlenza GP, …., Hansen DW, et al. Multicenter trial of a tubeless, on-body automated insulin delivery system with customizable glycemic targets in pediatric and adult participants with Type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2021;44:1-11.

Brown SA, Forlenza GP, Bode BW, Pinsker JE, Levy CJ, Criego AB, Hansen DW, Hirsch IB, Carlson AL, Bergenstal RM, Sherr JL, Mehta SN, Laffel LM, Shah VN, Bhargava A, Weinstock RS, MacLeish SA, DeSalvo DJ, Jones TC, Aleppo G, Buckingham BA, Ly TT, Omnipod 5 Research Group. Multicenter trial of a tubeless, on-body automated insulin delivery system with customizable glycemic targets in pediatric and adult participants with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2021;44 (7):1630–1640.

Greenblatt R, Hobart T, Formica M, et al. Quick and clean: LCME scientific method training without a teaching laboratory. Medical Science Educator. 2021;31:7-9.

Catania J, Pandit NG, Ehrlich JM, Zaman M, Stone E, Franceschi C, Smith A, Tanner-Smith E, Zackular JP, Bhutta ZA, Imdad A. Probiotic supplementation for promotion of growth in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients. 2021 Dec 25;14(1):83.

Imdad A, Rehman F, David E, et al. Effect of synthetic vitamin A and probiotics supplementation for prevention of morbidity and mortality during the neonatal period. A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies from low- and middle-income countries. Nutrients. 2020;12(3):791.

Farfan-Garcia AE, Imdad A, et al. Etiology of acute gastroenteritis among children less than 5 years of age in Bucaramanga, Colombia: A case-control study. PLOS Neglected Tropic Diseases. 2020;14(6):e0008375.

Imdad A, Ehrlich JM, Catania J, Tanner-Smith E, Smith A, et al. Effect of consumption of animal milk compared to infant formula for non-breastfed/mixed-fed infants 6-11 months of age: a systematic review (protocol). BMJ Open. 2021;11(2):e046370.

Miller T, Schuchard J, Carle A, Forrest C, Kappelman M, COMBINE Study Group (includes Imdad A). Use of patient-reported outcomes measurement information system pediatric measures as clinical trial endpoints: experience from a multicenter pragmatic trial in Children with Crohn’s Disease. Journal of Pediatrics. 2021 Nov 3;S0002-3476

Keats EC, Das JK, Salam RA, Lassi ZS, Imdad A, Black RE, Bhutta ZA Effective interventions to address maternal and child malnutrition: an update of the evidence. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. 2021;5(5):367-384.

Imdad A, Rehman F, Davis E, Ranjit D, Surin GSS, et al. Effects of neonatal nutrition interventions on neonatal mortality and child health and development outcomes: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews. 2021;e1141.

Imdad A, Minkoff NZ, Tanner-Smith EE, Zackular JP, Acra S, Nicholson MR. Fecal microbiota transplantation for the treatment of recurrent Clostridioides difficile (Clostridium difficile) (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Review. 2021.

Imdad A, Mackoff SP, Urciuoli DM, Syed T, Tanner-Smith EE Huang D, Gomez-Duarte OG. Interventions for preventing diarrhoea-associated haemolytic uraemic syndrome. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2021;7:CD012997.

Lee JM, Carlson E, ….., Izquierdo R, et al. Adoption of telemedicine for Type 1 diabetes care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. 2021;23(9):642-651.

Majidi S, Ebekozien O, ….., Izquierdo R, et al. Inequities in health outcomes in children and adults with Type 1 diabetes: Data from the T1D exchange quality improvement collaborative. Clinical Diabetes. 2021;39(3):278-283.

Bryant L, Li D, ……., Lebel RR, et al. Histone H3.3 beyond cancer: Germline mutations in Histone 3 Family 3A and 3B cause a previously unidentified neurodegenerative disorder in 46 patients. Science Advances. 2020 Dec 2;6:eabc9207.

Jacobs EZ, Brown K, ….., Lebel RR, et al. Expanding the molecular spectrum and the neurological phenotype related to CAMTA1 variants. Clinical Genetics. 2021;99(2):259-268.

Rim J, Byler M, ….., Lebel RR, et al. Opinion and special articles: Cerebellar ataxia and liver failure complicating IPEX syndrome. Neurology. 2021 96:e956-e959.

Foot E, Leonhard A, Majeski J, Zahn L, Li HH, Caruso Brown AE. “The stakes could not be higher”: A mixed methods study of parental social media use in pediatric oncology. Pediatric Blood Cancer. 2021;68(11):e29176.

Johnston EE, Martinez I, ….., POCC Consortium (includes Monteleone P). SARS-CoV-2 in childhood cancer in 2020: A disease of disparities. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2021;39(34):3778-3788.

Adams SH, Myszewski J. Hematoma as a cause of a febrile and inflammatory response after tibial fractures. Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings. 2020;33(4):677-678.

Foradori DM, Lopez MA, ….., Nead JA, et al. Invasive bacterial infections in infants younger than 60 days with skin and soft tissue infections. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2021;37(6):e301-e306.

Neubauer HC, Hall M, ….., Nead JA, et al. Antibiotic regimens and associated outcomes in children hospitalized with staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2021;16(3):149-155.

Nelson MU, Shaw J, Gross SJ. Randomized placebo-controlled trial of topical mupirocin to reduce staphylococcus aureus colonization in infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Pediatrics. 2021 Sep; 236:70-77.

Schroeder JC, Frantz T, Osten AW, Cho S. Rash and fatigue in a 6-year old girl. Pediatrics in Review. 2021;42(4)e13-e16.

Toll BJ, Samdani AF, Amanullah AA, Pahys JM, Janjua MB, Hwang SW; Pediatric Spine Study Group. Congenital scoliosis of the pediatric cervical spine: Characterization of a 17-patient operative cohort. Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics. 2021 Mar 1;41(3):e211-e216.

Varley ES, Pawelek JB, Mundis GM Jr, Oetgen ME, Sturm PF, Akbarnia BA; Pediatric Spine Study Group, Yaszay B. The role of traditional growing rods in the era of magnetically controlled growing rods for the treatment of early-onset scoliosis. Spine Deformity. 2021 Sep;9(5):1465-1472.

Clement RC, Yaszay B, McClung A, Bartley CE, Nabizadeh N, Skaggs DL, Thompson GH, Boachie-Adjei O, Sponseller PD, Shah SA, Sanders JO, Pawelek J, Mundis GM, Akbarnia BA; Pediatric Spine Study Group (Formerly, Growing Spine Study Group). Growth-preserving instrumentation in early-onset scoliosis patients with multi-level congenital anomalies. Spine Deformity. 2021 Sep;9(5):1491.

Johnson KL, Brown ECB, …., ExSTRA Investigators (includes Pekarsky A). Child abuse pediatricians assess a low likelihood of abuse in half of 2890 physical abuse consults. Child Maltreatment 2021.

Wolford JE, Berger RP, …., ExSTRA Investigators (includes Pekarsky A). Injuries suggestive of physical abuse in young children with subconjunctival hemorrhages. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2021.

Guenzel A, Turgeon CT, ……., Pellegrino JE, Sakonju A, et al. The critical role of psychosine in screening, diagnosis, and monitoring of Krabbe disease. Genetics in Medicine. 2020;22(6):1108-1118.

Corre CS, Matern D, Pellegrino JE, et al. Low psychosine in Krabbe Disease with onset in late infancy: A case report. International Journal of Neonatal Screening. 2021;7(2):28.

Griesman JD, Karahalios DS, Prendergast CJ. Hematologic changes in cyanotic congenital heart disease: A review. Progress in Pediatric Cardiology. 2020;56:101193.

Zangrillo AN, Walker SG, Roane HS, Sullivan WE, Keller DL, Derosa NM. (2021) Measurement and data recording of aggression. In: Luiselli J.K. (eds) Applied Behavior Analysis Treatment of Violence and Aggression in Persons with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities. Advances in Preventing and Treating Violence and Aggression (pp. 3-25). Springer, Cham.

Kay DM, …, Sakonju A, et al. Implementation of population-based newborn screening reveals low incidence of spinal muscular atrophy. Genetics in Medicine 2020;22:1296-1302. 

Raventhiranathan N, …, Sakonju A, et al. Pediatric fibrocartilaginous spine embolism induced by trauma. Radiology Case Reports 2021;16:1951-1955.

Stolz JR, …, Sakonju A, et al. Clustered mutations in the human GRIK2 kainate receptor subunit gene underlie diverse neurodevelopmental disorders, The American Journal of Human Genetics. (2021). Forthcoming.

Assif JW, Kandeepan A, Schafer M. Headaches and increased growth percentiles in a 5-year old male. Clinical Pediatrics. 2020; 59(4):519-521.

Larsen GY, Brilli R, ……, Schafer M, et al. Development of a quality improvement learning collaborative to improve pediatric sepsis outcomes. Pediatrics. 2021;147(1):e20201434.

Paul R, Niedner M, ….., Schafer M, et al. Metric development for the multicenter improving pediatric sepsis outcomes (IPSO) collaborative. Pediatrics. 2021;147(5):e2020017889.

Sous W, Lupone CD, ….., Shaw AV. Integrated care management to improve diabetes outcomes in refugee and immigrant patients (I-Care). Health Equity. 2021;5:781-788.

Harris MA, Colvin KF, ….., Shaw AV. Development and initial validation of the refugee health literacy assessment tool (RHLAT). American Journal of Health Education. 2021;52(6):402-410.

McLorg A, Omolo K, …., Shaw A, et al. Examining wealth trends in Kombewa, Kenya. Social Indicators Research. 2021;157:631-651.

Morley CP, Anderson KB, Shaw J, et al. Social distancing metrics and estimates of SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates: Associations between mobile telephone data tracking and R. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 2020;26(6):606-612.

Shaw J, Stewart T, Anderson KB, Hanley S, Thomas SJ, et al. Assessment of US healthcare personnel attitudes towards coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination in a large university healthcare system. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2021;73(10):1776-1783.

Gostin LO, Cohen IG, Shaw J. Digital health passes in the age of COVID-19 are “vaccine passports” lawful and ethical? Journal of the American Medical Association 2021; 325(19):1933-1934

Olick RS, Shaw J, Yang YT. Ethical issues in mandating COVID-19 vaccination for health care personnel. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2021; 96(12):2958-2962.

Gostin LO, Shaw J, Salmon DA. Mandatory SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations in K-12 schools, colleges/ universities, and businesses. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2021; 326(1):25-26.

Nelson MU, Shaw J, Gross SJ. Randomized placebo-controlled trial of topical mupirocin to reduce staphylococcus aureus colonization in infants in the neonatal intensive care unit. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2021; 236:70-77.

Gu H, Roy S, ……, Soultan Z, Fortner C, et al. High-level antibiotic tolerance of a clinically isolated enterococcus faecalis strain. Applied and Environmental Microbiology Journal. 2020; 87(1):e02083-20.

Adlakha V, Ramos L, ….., Soultan Z, Mortelliti A, ….., Imdad A. Risk of aspiration pneumonia in paediatric patients with dysphagia who were found to have laryngeal penetration on the instrumental swallow evaluation: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open. 2021; 11:e048422.

Owen TM, Fisher WW, Akers JS, Sullivan WE, Falcomata TS, Greer BD, Roane HS, et al. Treating destructive behavior reinforced by increased caregiver compliance with the participant’s mands. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 2020; 53(3):1494-1513.

Sullivan WE, Saini V, Derosa NM, Craig AR, Ringdahl JE, Roane HS. Measurement of nontargeted problem behavior during investigations of resurgence. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 2020;53(1):249-264.

Saini V, Sullivan WE, Craig AR, Derosa NM, Rimal A, Derrenbacker K, Roane HS. Responding fails to extinguish during human laboratory experiments of resurgence. The Psychological Record. 2021;71:325- 336.

Sullivan WE, Baxter EL, Craig AR, Derosa NM, Roane HS. (2021) How maintaining variables are defined and established in functional assessment. In: Matson J.L. (eds) Functional Assessment for Challenging Behaviors and Mental Health Disorders. Autism and Child Psychopathology Series (pp. 47-72). Springer, Cham.

Saini V, Sullivan WE. (2021) Communicated-focused treatment of violence-aggression. In: J.K. Luiselli (eds) Applied Behavior Analysis Treatment of Violence and Aggression in Persons with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities. Advances in Preventing and Treating Violence and Aggression (pp. 107 - 128) Springer, Cham.

Sura A, Jacher J, Neil E, et al. Chronic thrombocytopenia as the initial manifestation of STIIM1-related disorders. Pediatrics. 2020;145(4):e20192081.

Sabbagh SE, Neely J, ……, Sura A, et al. Risk factors associated with Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia in juvenile myositis in North America. Rheumatology. 2021; 60(2):829-836.

Sippy R, Prado EO, …., Suryadevara M, Domachowske JB. Medically attended outpatient coronavirus infections in Ecuadorean children during the 20 months preceding countrywide lockdown related to SARS-CoV-2 pandemic of 2020. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2020.

Suryadevara M, Bonville CA, Cibula DA, Domachowske JB. Multi-component cancer prevention awareness program to improve adolescent HPV vaccine uptake. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. 2021;17(4):1052-1058.;

Suryadevara M, Domachowske JB. Epidemiology and seasonality of childhood respiratory syncytial virus infections in the tropics. Viruses. 2021;13(4):696.

Kuhn V, Carpenter J, Zurakowski D, Reitz J, Tague L, Donofrio M, Murnick J, Axt-Fliedner R, Limperopoulos C, Yerebakan C. Determinants of neurological outcomes in neonates with congenital heart disease following heart surgery. Pediatric Research. 2021;89:1283-1290.

Gibson MES, Alaniz VI, ……., Teelin KL, et al. Resident education curriculum in pediatric and adolescent gynecology: The short curriculum 3.0. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. 2021;34(3):291- 296.

Teelin KL, Shubkin CD, Caruso Brown AE. Conscientious objection to providing gender health care in pediatric training: Balancing the vulnerability of transgender youth and the vulnerability of pediatric residents. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2021;240:272-279.

Kandavel P, Eder SJ, Adler J, Improve CareNow Network Pediatric IBD Learning Health System (includes Wali P). Reduced systemic corticosteroid use among pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease in a large learning health system. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2021;73(3):345-351.

Wasik H, Chadha V, Galbiati S, Warady B, Atkinson M. Dialysis outcomes for children with lupus nephritis compared to children with other forms of nephritis: A retrospective cohort study. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2021;28:S0272-6386(21)00825-8.

Ibanez VF, Kirkwood CA, Zeleny JR, Peterson KM, Piazza CC. A pilot study on increasing intake and sucking for infants receiving supplemental feedings. Behavioral Development. 2020; 25(2):88-97

Peterson KM, Ibanez VF, Volkert VM, Zeleny JR, Engler CW, Piazza CC. Using telehealth to provide outpatient follow-up to children with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 2020; 9999:1-19.
