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PL-2: The Second Year

Rotation Schedule
General Inpatient 2 blocks
Pediatric Intensive Care 2 blocks
Emergency Medicine 1 block
Elective/Subspeciality 1.5 block
Inpatient Hematology/Oncology 1 block
Inpatient Gastroenterology 1 block
Inpatient Subspecialty nights .5 block
Ambulatory Pediatrics 1 block
Neonatal Intensive Care 1 block
Adolescent 1 block
Daytime Backup Elective 1 block

The second year of postgraduate training expands the content of medical care and provides the opportunity to supervise interns and medical students on the inpatient service. This is in part accomplished by providing two blocks of general inpatient medicine, one of which is night shift.

The second year has greater exposure to acute care medicine. Residents spend one block in the NICU and two in the PICU, giving them the opportunity to integrate pathophysiology with recognition of physiologic deterioration and critical problem solving. One block is spent in the adolescent medicine clinic, where residents receive comprehensive training in issues specific to the care of the teenage patient, including mental health concerns, reproductive health concerns, and the care of transgender patients. Second year residents have rotations in inpatient Heme/Onc and Gastroenterology. They have 2.5 blocks of elective and career path rotations of their choice.
