Demonstrate proficiency in the caregiver/child dyad interview and interact effectively with the patient and the caregiver by building rapport with children of different ages and their families and by obtaining complete, accurate histories, and explaining clinical findings and plans.
Elicit and perform an accurate and age-appropriate pediatric physical examination using an organized, logical, and respectful approach for adolescents, children and newborns presenting for well child care and/or for disease conditions.
Develop prioritized, patient-centered intervention and management plans for common pediatric diseases and presentations using current scientific and epidemiologic knowledge.
Recognize variations of normal findings and abnormal findings in pediatric patients and evaluate vital signs, growth and development, laboratory and radiologic data based on age-adjusted normal scales.
Write inpatientdaily progress notes. Use the SOAP format to write notes.
Provide oral presentations on inpatient rounds and to outpatient preceptors, recognizing pertinent positives and negatives, and presenting in an organized, concise manner.
Demonstrate ethical and professional behaviors and choices as a member of the healthcare team in all settings. Discuss an observed ethical or professionalism issue.
Generate an answerable clinical question and use information technology to gather information and support decision-making and patient management in pediatrics.
Discussan observedsystem issue affecting patient care and the associated methods that could be employed to improve health care delivery.