Selected Publications
- Sherwin, R.P., M.L. Barman and J.L. Abraham [1979] Silicate Pneumoconiosis of Farm Workers. Lab. Invest.: 40, 576-582.
- Abraham, J.L. [1979] Documentation of environmental particulate exposures in humans using SEM and EDXA. In "Scanning Electron Microscopy/1979/II" p. 751-766 (Johari, O., ed.). Scanning Electron Microscopy, Inc. Chicago, 1979.
- Abraham, J.L. and E.S. Etz. Molecular microanalysis of pathological specimens in situ with a Laser Raman microprobe . Science, 206:716 718, 1979.
- Goldbach, P.D., Z. Mohsenifar, J.L. Abraham, W.I. Young and W.D. Merrill [1982] Talcum Powder Pneumoconiosis: Diagnosis by Transbronchial Biopsy Utilizing Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis. Western J. of Medicine: 136, 439-442.
- Abraham, J.L. and B.R. Burnett [1983] Quantitative Analysis of Inorganic Particulate Burden in situ in Tissue Sections . Scanning Electron Microscopy/1983: 2, 681-696.
- Travis, W.D., K. Balogh, and J.L. Abraham [1985] Silicone Granulomas. A Review of the Literature and Report of 3 cases. Human Pathology: 16, 19-27.
- Abraham, J.L., C.M. Smith and B. Mossman [1988] Chrysotile and Crocidolite Pulmonary Fiber Concentration and Dimension after Inhalation and Clearance in Fischer 344 rats. Ann. Occup. Hyg.: 30, 203-211.
- Abraham, J.L., Cohen, K.S., Powell, B. and Merritt, C.: Analyses of Bulk and Aerosolized Asbestos Fibers from Children's Play Sand Reveal a Potential Health Hazard. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis., 137:94, 1988
- Hunt, A., D.L. Johnson, J.M. Watt, R. Crutcher and I. Thornton [1988], A General Purpose Scheme for Classifying Lead-Bearing Particles by SEM/EDX. Proc. Conf. Indoor and Ambient Air Quality, R. Perry and P.W. Kirk Eds. Selper Limited, London, pp 539-546.
- Hunt, A., D.L. Johnson and I. Thornton [1991] Descriptive Apportionment of Lead in House Dust by Automated SEM. Water, Air and Soil Pollut.: 55-58, 69-77.
- Abraham, J.L., B.R. Burnett and A. Hunt [1991] Development and Use of a Pneumoconiosis Database of Human Pulmonary Inorganic Particulate Burden in over 400 lungs . Scanning Microscopy: 5, 95-108.
- Hunt, A., D.L. Johnson, J.M. Watt and I. Thornton [1992] Characterizing the Sources of Lead in House Dust by Automated Scanning Electron Microscopy. Environ. Sci. Technol.: 26, 1513-1523.
- Hunt, A., D.L. Johnson and I. Thornton [1993] Apportioning the Sources of Lead in House Dusts in the London Borough of Richmond. Sci. Total. Environ.: 138, 183-206.
- Abraham, J.L., A. Hunt and B.R. Burnett [1994] Steel Particles as a Marker of Welding Fume Exposure, Frequency of Occurence and Prevalence of Steel Particles in a Series of Over 400 Human Lungs. Ann. Occp. Hyg. 38, Suppl. 1 551-557.
- Abraham, J.L. and A. Hunt [1995] Environmental Contamination by Cobalt in the Vicinity of a Cemented Tungsten Carbide Manufacturing Plant. Environ. Res.: 69, 67-74.
- Johnson, D.L. and A. Hunt [1995], Analysis of Lead in Urban Soils by Computer Assisted SEM/EDX--Method Development and Early Results. In Lead in Paint, Soil and Dust: Health Risks, Exposure Studies, Control Measures, Measurement Methods, and Quality Assurance, ASTM STP 1226 M.E. Beard and S.D.A. Iske, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 283-299.
- Keller, C.A., A. Frost, P.T. Cagle and J.L. Abraham [1995] Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis in a Painter with elevated Pulmonary Concentrations of Titanium. Chest: 108, 277-280.
- Hunt, A. and D.L. Johnson [1996] The use of Fractal Dimension to Characterize the Shape of Individual Lead Particles. Scanning Microscopy: 10, 69-83.
- Schoning, P.R., J.L. Abraham and B.R. Burnett [1996] Silicate and Metal Dust in Greyhound Lungs. Am. J. Vet. Res., 57 (7), 1006-1009.
- Abraham, J.L., A. Hunt and B.R. Burnett [1996] Lung Pathology and Mineralogy Associated with High Pulmonary Burden of Metal particles: Fe, Ti, Al, and Cr in a Pneumoconiosis Database. Proc. Conf. Inhaled Particles VIII, BOHS Cambridge, U.K. August 1996.
- Abraham, J.L. and S.L. Wiesenfeld [1996] Two Cases of Fatal Progressive Massive Fibrosis in an Ongoing Epidemic of Accelerated Silicosis in Oilfield Sanblasters: Lung Pathology and Mineralogy. Proc. Conf. Inhaled Particles VIII, BOHS Cambridge, U.K. August 1996.
- Abraham, J.L., A. Hunt and B.R. Burnett. Lung pathology and mineralogy associated with high pulmonary burden of metal particles: Fe, Ti, Al and Cr in a pneumoconiosis database. Inhaled Particles VIII, Ann Occup Hyg 41 (Suppl. 1):522-530, 1997.
Hunt, A, B.R. Burnett, T. Basford, and J.L. Abraham. Lead and other metals in play-kit and craft items composed of vinyl and leather. Am J Publ Health 87:1724-1727, 1997.
- Abraham, M.E. Microanalysis of Indoor Aerosols and the Impact of a Compact High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter System. Indoor Air 9:33-40, 1999.
- Boyd, A.S., D. Seger, S. Vannucci, M. Langley, J.L. Abraham, and L.E. King Jr. Mercury exposure and cutaneous disease . J Am Acad Dermatol. 43:81-90, 2000.
- Powell, J.W.D., A. Hunt, and J.L. Abraham. Anthropogenic Vanadium-Chromium-Iron and Cerium-Lanthanum-Iron particles in settled urban house dust: CCSEM identification and analysis. Water Air Soil Pollut. 135:201-217, 2002.
- Abraham, J.L., B.R. Burnett, and A. Hunt. Quantification of non-fibrous and fibrous particulates in human lungs: Twenty year update on pneumoconiosis database . Ann Occup Hyg. 46 (Suppl. 1): 397-401, 2002.
- Hull, M.J., J.L. Abraham, and B.W. Case. Mesothelioma Among Workers in Asbestiform Fiber-Bearing Talc Mines in New York State . Ann Occup Hyg. 46 (Suppl. 1): 132-135, 2002.
- Abraham J.L., G. Siwinski, and A. Hunt. Ultrafine particulate exposures in indoor, outdoor, personal and mobile environments: effects of diesel, traffic, pottery kiln, cooking and HEPA filtration on micro-environmental particle number concentration . Ann Occup Hyg. 46 (Suppl. 1): 406-411, 2002.
- Wright, R.S., J.L. Abraham, P. Harber, B.R. Burnett, P. Morris, and P. West. Fatal Asbestosis 50 years after Brief High Intensity exposure in a Vermiculite expansion plant . Am J Resp Crit Care Med 165:1145-1149, 2002.
- Hull, M.J. and J.L. Abraham. Aluminum welding fume-induced pneumoconiosis . Human Pathology 33:819-825, 2002.
- Hunt, A., J.L. Abraham, B. Judson and C.L. Berry. Toxicologic and Epidemiologic Clues from the Characterization of the London 1952 Smog Fine Particulate Matter in Archival Autopsy Lung Tissues . Envir Health Perspect 111:1209-1214, 2003.
- Hargrave, T.M., G. Hall, R.D. Anbar, M.H. Czerwinski, S.D. Lane, D. Naishadham, J.L. Abraham and A. Hunt. Adequacy of treatment and knowledge of asthma among pregnant women with asthma in an urban setting. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2003, 167; A115.
- Hunt, A., J.L. Abraham, J.A. Crawford, P. DeStefano, C. Garback, M. LaMoy, D. Naishadham, and G. Hall. Levels of Household particulate matter (PM) and Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) exposure in the first year of life in a cohort at risk for asthma. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2003, 167; A852.
- Honma, K., J.L. Abraham, K. Chiyotani, P. De Vuyst, P. Dumortier, A.R. Gibbs, F.H. Green, Y. Hosoda, K. Iwai, W.J. Williams, N. Kohyama, G. Ostiguy, V.L. Roggli, H. Shida, O. Taguchi, V. Vallyathan. Proposed criteria for mixed-dust pneumoconiosis: Definition, descriptions, and guidelines for pathologic diagnosis and clinical correlation. Hum Pathol. 35:1515-23, 2004.
- Sawyer, R.T., J.L. Abraham, E. Daniloff and L.S. Newman. Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy Demonstrates Retention of Beryllium in Chronic Beryllium Disease Granulomas . J Occup Environ Med 47:1218-1226, 2005.
- Crawford, J.A., T.M. Hargrave, A. Hunt, C.C. Liu, R.D. Anbar, G.E. Hall, D. Naishadham, M.H. Czerwinski, N. Webster, S.D. Lane, J.L. Abraham. Issues in Design and Implementation in an Urban Birth Cohort Study: the Syracuse AUDIT Project . J Urban Health 83:741-759, 2006.
- Boyd, A.S., J.A. Zic, J.L. Abraham. Gadolinium Deposition in Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermatopathy . J Am Acad Dermatol 56:27-30, 2007.
- Abraham, J.L. Analysis of Fibrous and Non-Fibrous Particles. Ch 18. in Rom, W. (ed). Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 4th Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 275-295, 2006.
- Nasr, M.R., D. Savici, L. Tudor, D. Abou Abdallah, N. Newman, J.L. Abraham. Inorganic Dust Exposure Causes Pulmonary Fibrosis in Smokers: Analysis Using Light Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy. Arch Envir Occup Health 61:53-60, 2007.
- Nemery, B. and Abraham, J.L. Hard Metal Lung Disease * Still Hard to Understand (Editorial). Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 176:2-3, 2007.
- Lyons, J.J., Sime, P.J., Ward, D., Watson, T., Abraham, J.L., Evans, R., Budev, M., Costas, K., Beckett, W.S.. A breathless builder. Breathe 3:386-390, 2007.
- Thakral, C., Alhariri, J., Abraham, J.L. Long-term retention of Gadolinium (Gd) in tissues from Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) patient after multiple Gd-enhanced MRI scans: case report and implications. Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging. 2:199-205, 2007 [E-pub August 22, DOI:10.1002/cmmi.146]
- Thakral, C. and Abraham, J.L. Automated Scanning Electron Microscopy and x-ray Microanalysis for in situ Quantification of Gadolinium Deposits in Skin . J. Electron Microsc 56:181-187, 2007; doi:10.1093/jmicro/dfm020.
- Naqvi, A.H., Shields, J.W., Abraham, J.L. Nasal Argyria (deposition of Silver-Selenium) in the photographic industry: Histopathology and microanalysis. Am J Otolaryngol 28:430-432, 2007.
- Abraham, J.L., Thakral, C., Skov, L., Rossen, K., Marckmann, P. Dermal inorganic Gadolinium concentrations: evidence for in vivo transmetallation and long-term persistence in Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis . Br J Derm 158(2):273-80, 2008. [E-pub Dec 7, 2007. doi 10.1111/j.1365-2133.2007.08335.x]
- Kalb, R.E., Helm, T.N., Sperry, H., Thakral, C., Abraham, J.L., Kanal, E. Gadolinium induced nephrogenic systemic fibrosis: report of a case in a patient with an acute and transient kidney injury. Br J Derm 158:607-610, 2008. [E-pub Dec 12, 2007; doi 10.1111/j.1365-2133.2007.08369.x]
- Abraham, J.L., Chandra, S., Thakral, C., Abraham, J.M. SIMS imaging of Gadolinium isotopes in tissue from Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis Patients: Release of Free Gd from Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents. App. Surf. Sci (in press) 2008. [E-pub May 16, 2008; doi 10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.05.140]
Abraham, J.L. and Thakral, C. Tissue Distribution and Kinetics of Gadolinium and Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis. Eur. J. Radiol. 66:200-207, 2008. [E-pub March 26, 2008; doi 10.1016/j.ejrad.2008.01.026]
- Boyd, A.S., Sanyal, S., Abraham, J.L. Gadolinium is not deposited in the skin of patients with normal renal function after exposure to gadolinium-based contrast agents. J Am Acad Dermatol 59(2):356-8, 2008.
- Naqvi, A.H., Hunt, A., Burnett, B.R., Abraham, J.L. Pathologic Spectrum and lung dust burden in giant cell interstitial pneumonia (hard metal disease, cobalt pneumonitis): Review of 100 cases. Arch Envir Occup Health 63:51-70, 2008.
- Case, B.W. and Abraham, J.L. Heterogeneity of exposure and attribution of mesothelioma: Trends and strategies in two American counties. Inhaled Particles X (September, 2008) Annals Occup Hyg (in press).