Frequently Asked Questions
What is a specialty medication?
How to place a prescription order and how to obtain a refill
- You will be contacted by a Pharmacy Team Member at least 5 days prior to your refill due date. If you would like to contact us for a refill or obtain order status, you can call us and speak to a medication access coordinator or pharmacist to process your refill requests.
It’s easier than ever to refill your prescription
1) Telephone - 315-464-DRUG (3784) or Toll Free – 833-713-1125- Select Option 2 - "To refill a prescription or to contact the Outpatient Pharmacy"
- Select Option 1 - “To be connected to Specialty Medication Department”
2) Mobile Phone - Download the RefillPro App for Your Smartphone
- Download from Apple App Store and GooglePlay or scan a QR Code below

- On the RefillPro Home screen, enter our pharmacy phone number: 315-464-3784
- Select Order Refills to display the Order Refills screen
- Enter the prescription number or scan the barcode on your prescription label
3) Internet / Web Browser Search - Search for "SUNY Outpatient Pharmacy"
Medication Delivery and Dispensing Options:
- Overnight mailing with package tracking is available (delivery and shipping free of charge to patient and insurance)
- Patient pick-up at the pharmacy (Upstate University Hospital – Downtown Campus. Rm. 1602, 750 East Adams, Street Syracuse, NY 13210)
- Same day delivery to your house is available when requested by your provider or in the event of an urgent situation (delivery free of charge)
Please be advised that you cannot return or exchange medications after they have been sold to you. We cannot give credit or return medication that you do not use.
Looking to transfer and fill your medications with our pharmacies?
Interested in packaging your medications together?
How to access medications in case of an emergency or disaster
- In the event of a disaster in your area, please contact our pharmacy to instruct us on how to deliver your medication. This will ensure your therapy is not interrupted.
- Phone: 315-464-3784 (Press option #1 for Specialty Medications)
- Toll Free Phone: 833-713-1125 (Press option #1 for Specialty Medications)
SUNY Outpatient Pharmacy has a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan in case a disaster occurs. Disasters may include fire to our facility or region, chemical spills in the community, hurricanes, snow storms, tornadoes and community evacuations. Our primary goal is to continue to service your prescription care needs. When there is a threat of disaster, we will ensure you have enough medication to sustain you.
- The pharmacy will call you 3-5 days before an anticipated local weather disaster emergency utilizing the weather updates as point of reference.
- The pharmacy will send your medication via courier or UPS next day delivery during any suspected inclement weather emergencies.
- If the pharmacy cannot get your medication to you before an inclement weather emergency occurrence, the pharmacy will transfer your medication to a local specialty pharmacy, so you do not go without medication.
- If a local disaster occurs and the pharmacy cannot reach you or you cannot reach the pharmacy, please listen to your local news and rescue centers for advice on obtaining medication. Visit your local hospital immediately if you will miss a dose or as directed by your provider.
- The pharmacy recommends all patients leave a secondary emergency number.
If you have an emergency that is not environmental but personal and you need your medication, please contact the pharmacy at your convenience and we will assist you.
How to check on prescription status
Telephone - 315-464-DRUG (3784) or Toll Free – 833-713-1125
- Select Option 2 - "To refill a prescription or to contact the Outpatient Pharmacy"
- Select Option 1 - “To be connected to Specialty Medication Department”
Information on prescription substitutions
- Our Pharmacy will always use the most cost-efficient option for you. From time to time it is necessary to substitute generic drugs for brand name drugs. This could occur due to your insurance company preferring the generic be dispensed or to reduce your co-pay. If a substitution needs to be made and is ordered by your provider, a member of the specialty pharmacy staff will contact you prior to shipping or dispensing the medication to inform you of the substitution. When available, our pharmacy will default to generic to save you money. We will use brand name medication at your or your prescriber’s request.
Is it possible to get all of my prescriptions through your pharmacy?
How to transfer a prescription to another pharmacy and how to obtain medications not available at the SUNY Outpatient Pharmacy
- If our pharmacy can no longer service your medication, a pharmacist will transfer your prescription to another pharmacy of your choice or as directed by your insurance provider. We will inform you of this transfer of care.
- If you feel that our pharmacy is unable to meet your needs, we can transfer your prescription to the appropriate pharmacy of your choice.
How to handle medication recalls
- If your medication is recalled, the specialty pharmacy will contact you with further instructions, as directed by the FDA or drug manufacturer.
How to dispose of medications

- Outside of the SUNY Outpatient Pharmacy there is a medication disposal bin that may be used to dispose of unused medications.
- For additional instructions on how to properly dispose of unused medications, check with your local waste collection service. You can also check the following websites for additional information:
Household Sharps (syringes / needles) – Dispose of Them Safely
- The best way to protect trash handlers and sewage treatment workers against an accidental needle stick or injury is to follow these guidelines for containment and disposal of sharps.
Containment of Used Sharps / Needles / Syringes - Contain the sharps safely in your own home:
- Use the sharps container provided by our pharmacy to store your used sharps until time to dispose of them.
- If your sharps container is full or you do not have one, use a puncture-proof plastic container with a tight-fitting screw top. Don't use glass because it can break. Coffee cans are not recommended unless they are screw top, because the plastic lids come off too easily.
- Label the container clearly. Write "Contains Sharps" with a waterproof marker directly on the container or on masking tape on the container.
- Once you have used a syringe or lancet, immediately put it into your container. Screw on the top. Don't clip, bend or recap the needles because you could injure yourself.
- Keep the container away from children.
- When the container is full, screw on the cap tightly. Seal it with heavy-duty tape to be extra safe.
Disposal of Sharps Containers
There are different options for getting rid of the container of sharps. Some cities and towns have more options than others. Here are the best bets for safety, health and protection of the environment:
- Effective July 1, 1995, hospitals and nursing homes in New York State were required to accept properly-contained home medical waste for disposal.
- New York State law allows disposal of household sharps, along with household trash. Local laws, however, may prohibit this. Consult your local department of public works for information about laws that apply in your area.
Do not put sharps containers out with the recyclable plastics.
Sharps are not recyclable.
How to handle adverse reactions
- If you are experiencing adverse effects to the medication, please contact your prescribing doctor or the Pharmacy as soon as possible.
- If it is a life-threatening medical emergency requiring immediate care, call 9-1-1 or go to your nearest emergency department.
Pharmacy Contact Number:
Telephone - 315-464-DRUG (3784) Toll Free – 833-713-1125
- Select Option 1 - “To be connected to Specialty Medication Department”
How to report concerns or errors
To report any concerns, grievance, complaints and/or suspected errors to Upstate Medical University, URAC, Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC), and the New York State Board of Pharmacy:
- We want you to be completely satisfied with the care we provide. If you believe an error occurred with your medication, please contact the SUNY Outpatient Pharmacy so we can determine if an error occurred and fix any problems. You may also choose to contact other agencies, but we value the opportunity to first make things right if an error does occur. If you or your caregiver have any issues, concerns, problems or complaints, please contact us directly and speak to one of our staff members. Patients and caregivers can do so by phone, fax, writing, or email. We will address your concern within 5 business days.
- SUNY Outpatient Pharmacy Complaint Information:
- Phone: 1-(315)-464-3784 (Toll Free: 1-(833)-713-1125) – Press option #1 for Specialty Medications
- Fax: 1-(315)-464-9995
- Email Address: [email protected]
- Upstate University Hospital Patient Relations Department:
- Phone: 1-(315)-464-5597
- URAC Complaint Information:
- Phone: 202-216-9010
- Website:
- Email Address: [email protected]
- Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) Complaint Information:
- Website:
- For further information, you may contact ACHC toll-free at (855) 937-2242 or 919-785-1214 and request the Complaints Department
- New York State Board of Pharmacy Complaint Information:
- Website:
- Telephone: 800-442-8106
- Email: [email protected]
What is the fastest way for providers to find SUNY Outpatient Pharmacy when ordering medications?
The fastest way for providers to find SUNY Upstate Outpatient Pharmacy when ordering medications for a patient would be to search 'SUNY' under the Name search bar.
Providers should choose from either SUNY Upstate Community Campus Outpatient Pharmacy or SUNY Upstate Downtown Campus Outpatient Pharmacy.