Professional Development Plan
The professional Development Plan Process allows Upstate nurses and advanced practice nurses to assess their professional practice, obtain peer feedback and collaborate with mentors and leaders to achieve their goals.
There are four parts to completing this process:
Complete your self-reflection
The self-reflection allows you to asses your nursing practice and identify opportunities for growth. You can choose from the ANA Standards of Practice or AONE Competencies depending on your current role or role you aspire to.
Collect peer feedback
You get the opportunity through this process to collect feedback from two peers of your choice! Your peers will identify when they have seen you at your best and make recommendations for opportunities for you to consider within the next year.
Decide your goals
Once you’ve completed your self-reflection and obtained feedback from your peers it’s time to declare your goals for the year. Select 2 ‘SMART’ goals and document them on the professional development plan page. ‘SMART’ goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relative and timely.
Sample Clinical Nurse Plan Sample Nurse Leader Plan
Achieve your goals
Now that you’ve decided your goals for the year it’s time to achieve them! As an Upstate Nurse there are many resources and people available as resources for you to achieve your goals. Check out the professional development resources link to the left for key policies and contact lists.