Transformational Leadership
“Transformational leaders do more with colleagues and followers than set up simple exchanges or agreements – they behave in ways to achieve superior results by employing one or more of the four core components of transformational leadership” (5): idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration.
What does it mean?
Chief Nursing Officers and other nursing leaders advocate for resources based on clinical staff input to support nursing unit and organizational goals. There is a process for mentoring and succession planning.
Why is it important?
Nurses throughout the organization know that their voices are heard, their input is valued and their practice is supported. Our patients, their families, and our community receive the highest quality care.
How to get involved:
- Share your ideas for improvement with nursing leadership
- Include nurse leaders in organizational committees
- Mentor nurses
- Prepare a succession plan for your role
- Participate in the Upstate Leadership Academy
- Invite nurse leaders to shadow you in your department
- Submit your ideas to Upstate Idea Link
- Learn about the nursing strategic plan
Examples at Upstate:
Nursing a strategic partner and leader at highest level in organization
- The CNO is part of hospital officer team and key decision making group for the hospital
- Nurse leaders at all levels of the Upstate strive to demonstrate advocacy and support on behalf of staff and patients and lead change effectively.
- Advocate for resources to support care delivery using clinical nurse input and trended data
- Nurse leaders influence change in the organization
Philosophy of Excellence Every Day
- Nursing strategic plan aligns with organizational plan and provides clear direction
- Nurses at all levels advocate for/participate in practice-related decision-making
Nurse Leader rounds/open forums
Mentoring/Succession Planning
- Leadership Academy
- Professional Development Plan
- Ongoing mentoring and succession planning at all levels