Dear Nursing Colleagues,
I hope you’ve heard the exciting news about the approved raises for Upstate Nursing. This brings us to the top of the market in pay for nurses. The raise also underscores the valued work of our RNs and LPNS.
Not only do we aim to hire the best, we invest the most.
These raises are added upon the base nursing salary, and in addition to the geographic pay already in place. There are no gimmicks. You don’t have to figure out what a bonus really delivers to your bottom line or find that it requires a long-term commitment to receive the benefit.
We support our nurses with a Magnet environment, the most manageable nurse-to-patient ratios, a great benefits package, and offer a nurse residency experience for new-to-practice nurses.
If you are interested in joining Upstate Nursing, we offer more clinical specialties than any other hospital with more than 90 distinct practice areas and the most specially certified nurses in the region. We provide the best tuition support in Central New York and support certification at no cost to you.
All new hires at Upstate receive these benefits, including the raises from our increased nursing salary package.

Scott Jessie, MSN, RN, NEA-BC
Chief Nursing Officer