MEC Minute

From Stephen Thomas, MD
Chair, Medical Executive Committee

Today’s Minute

September 13, 2024

Team Upstate:

We are seeing a continued rise in test positivity for COVID-19, increasing hospital admissions, persistently high levels of virus in local wastewater, and a significant increase in staff out of work due to COVID-19.

All these circumstances place our patients, staff, and institution at risk clinically, operationally, and financially.

I believe it is important we all make the personal choice to do the simple things known to decrease the risk of transmission and infection with respiratory viruses including 1) frequent hand washing, 2) staying home and getting tested if you are sick, 3) mask wearing for patient contact (especially highly vulnerable patients), and 4) strongly consider receiving updated COVID-19 and influenza vaccines.

None of these interventions are 100% effective on their own, but when bundled together they significantly reduce the risk of transmission and infection between staff and to our patients.

Lead by example and continue to promote a culture of quality and patient safety.

Thanks for reading,
Stephen Thomas
President – Medical Staff

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