Team Upstate:
Please join us for the next installment of the Leadership Lecture Series, Tuesday, 20 AUG 2024, 12-1 PM, in the Community Room at the Community Campus.
We are very pleased to have Dr. Leon Moores as our guest speaker and hear his thoughts and perspectives on, “All Physicians Lead: Redefining Physician Leadership for Better Patient Outcomes.”
Dr. Moores is a board-certified neurosurgeon and the Medical Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Inova Health, an experienced executive leader, and author. He is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point (BS), the Uniformed Services University (MD), the Industrial College of the Armed Forces (MS, strategy and resource management), and the School of Health Professions at University of Alabama, Birmingham (DSc, healthcare leadership). He is a Professor of Medical Education at the University of Virginia School of Medicine (Inova) and a Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics at the Uniformed Services University F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine. Dr. Moores has spent much of his career serving in combined clinical and leadership roles: infantry lieutenant at 82nd Airborne Division; Chief of Neurosurgery at Walter Reed; Chair, Department of Surgery at Walter Reed; Deputy Commander for Integration at National Naval Medical Center; Commander (CEO) of Fort Meade Medical Activity; and CEO of Pediatric Specialists of Virginia. He has twice deployed to combat zones to care for our service members in harm’s way. Most recently, he published a book entitled, “All Physicians Lead Redefining Physician Leadership for Better Patient Outcomes.”
In addition to his lecture, Dr. Moores will also lead a workshop Tuesday, 20 AUG 2024, 5-7:30pm in 4144 NAB at the downtown campus (registration link: The workshop will be a hands-on and case-based discussion of leadership principals and how becoming a better leader improves institutional culture, teamwork, quality, safety, and patient outcomes.
A hot buffet meal will be available to all attendees of the noon lecture and workshop. We will also be distributing copies of Dr. Moores’ recently published book as a gift from the Medical Executive Committee (limited supply divided between the events on a first come first serve basis).
You can also register for CME using the following link:
I am hoping you will make time to attend one or both events.
Thanks for reading,